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Musical talent is always enhanced by actorly skill.

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"What if you had an album that had a story that could be turned into a comic and the two things would work together?"

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Snider, like everyone else, is pissed.

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"To all who say they're about to make the metal record of the year? Hold my beer!"

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"We're going to play that album from beginning to end. We're going to have fun, too. So that means small shows and you won't...

Upcoming Releases

"I'm just finishing up the lyrics now and then we should record in 2024."

Live Footage

They played a sixteen song set at the Soundstorm festival.


"From Dark Discoveries to Heartless Portraits is at once a marvelous offering and a missed opportunity."

New Music

Another song with a meaty guitar tone in the forefront.

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"They propagate the big headliners, but they don't bring on the bands that create the drama to create the fanbase. Because you don't become...

Best Of 2023

You all have a very wide range of musical tastes.

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"And that sucks, actually. It wasn't our festival; it wasn't our organization."

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“It’s the only thing you can do to make any money — sell t-shirts”

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"I felt like I don't have much more of that in me to continue past this record."

Tour Dates

One of their most diverse and expansive line-ups.