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Search results for "Almost"


Through the Eyes of the Dead are basically a new band now – and not just because only one original member remains, guitarist Justin...


A week late and a show short, but I come forth with a list of 2007's best albums. That is, in my humble opinion....


Below is the 2nd edition of Crustcake Presents. Every week, renowned music blogger Crustcake will present to you an album that will sync with...


So much black metal wants to be taken seriously; Deathspell Omega actually deserves such scrutiny.  At first, this secretive French outfit seems pretentious.  Long...


Severe Torture has come a long way since "Decomposing Bitch."  That, um, composition graced its first record, 2000's Feasting on Blood.  Essentially Cannibal Corpse...

Ask Me...I'm Right

That stud machine of a man is me, Greg Weeks, and I’m the bassist of the Red Chord. Want to ask me about my...


Unlike many rockers turned pop culture celebrities, Sebastian Bach isn't overexposed.  This is probably because his star turns are so strange.  While Bret Michaels has...


Most people will know Sickening Horror for drummer George Kollias, of Nile notoriety.  This is good in that his work on the Greek band's full-length...


There are certain record labels which I trust on dealing with bands that have a lot of “artistic credibility”. The End Records has built...

Tour Dates

IRON MAIDEN have announced their most ambitious and extraordinary touring plans ever — and are very pleased to announce that this will include Australia...


For those new kids out there, “Wages Of Sin” was not ARCH ENEMY's first album! For you melodic metalcore kids still high on LAMB...


It’s funny what goes on at Wikipedia. Sometimes I don’t think that the article neutrality header comes up often enough. I tried looking up...


I popped this album in my CD player and immediately began looking through the insert. I had a record label rep tell me one...


Ah yes, good old doom/death. It’s funny how all of the progenitors have grown from growling over BLACK SABBATH riffs, to a post doom/death...


I’ve been into AS I LAY DYING since “Frail Words Collapse” in 2003. I think that album is a landmark in time. Not only...


I’m going to level with everyone. I have a hell of a hard time reviewing instrumental music.  I loved big instrumentals like “Call Of...


I’m going to level with everyone. I have a hell of a hard time reviewing instrumental music.  I loved big instrumentals like “Call Of...


I just got a big package from Obscure Abhorrence Records, which makes me wish I could do those cool roundup CD reviews like in...


You can just put away those ideas of what four-letter word F.K.U. might sound like, because it’s “Freddy Kruegers Underwear”. Much like many of...


I’ll put it bluntly – NILE is one of my favorite bands. If I had a chance to review “Annihilation Of The Wicked” when...


Looking through all the material I’ve gotten from Razorback Records, I’m just wondering how this label is able to get bands so focused on...


Get into your time machine and get her up to 88 mph, because we’re going back to the old school! Are you not familiar...


I had no idea what to expect from this album when I first saw it. I looked at the front cover and saw a...