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Search results for "Almost"

Go See This Fucking Band

The increasingly popular trend of bands playing an album in its entirety can be an awesome way to hear their best songs, a confirmation...

Metal Up Your Ass

So it has been a little boring for me. Even though I had a very busy week with shooting shows, there hasn't been much...


As a visionary for NILE, KARL SANDERS re-imagined death metal as hymns of the sphinx, anthems for the pharaoh, the cover art of Powerslave...


Not only does CONVERGE's new fly-on-the-wall video go far beyond the usual teaser standard of stoned guys laughing at their own jokes, it provides...

Tour Dates

Oh god no. After treating US metalheads to one of the best tour packages of 2008 and following up by taking TESTAMENT and MEGADETH...

Latest News

BURZUM founder VARG VIKERNES, perhaps best known as the church-burning murderer of former MAYHEM guitarist EURONYMOUS, has been released from a Norway prison after...


Last weekend will be a weekend that I will never forget. Vice Magazine and Scion (the car company) teamed up to present Scion Rock...

tr00 and False

Every week the heavily-opinionated writers at Metal Inquisition chime in with their elitist views to bring you the best and worst stories of the...


WOW! When we got an email from the fine people at Metal Hammer Magazine (which is basically the equivalent Revolver magazine of the UK)...

Back in the Day

For every band that carries on past their prime years to the point of self-parody, there's a barely noticeable, ultra-rare breed who split up...

Go See This Fucking Band

Last night, the entire Metal Injection crew came out for what may end up being the biggest show of 2009: Meshuggah, Cynic and The...


Like any movie starring Freddy Krueger, CANNIBAL CORPSE are almost insusceptible to evaluation. Anybody who likes Cannibal Corpse is going to enjoy Evisceration Plague,...


So Blabbermouth is reporting that a much-maligned band iz back together, and already people are up in arms as if the world were being...

Monday Wake Up Call

Ever listen to Cannibal Corpse and were all like "Man, these lyrics are so deep. If they only slowed it down and just sang...

Go See This Fucking Band

So much about METALLICA is deeply ingrained into our consciousness that amidst all the CDs, documentaries, merch, hype, missteps, tributes, parodies, media, video games...

Tour Dates

Ever caught a show that made you wonder why you didn't quit your job and follow the band around for a few months? Some...

Fuck Yes!

YES! YES!! YES!!! Just in time to bring some chaos into 2009, my favorite live act, THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN have announced a handful...

Latest News

MASTODON recently updated their website with a trailer for Crack the Skye, the almost-close-to-being-here follow-up to Blood Mountain, which you can watch right here....

Revelations of Doom

After a long hiatus of sorts (also known as trying not to fail out of college and gallivanting across the country in search of...

State of Metal

Sure, we all dump on the Garden State just because it’s responsible for Bon Jovi. But to be entirely fair (for once,) that’d be...


Way back in March we posted that Florida tech-death experts, INTO THE MOAT have announced that they put the finishing touches on their new...


Five albums and three singers into their career, Darkane are still slipping melodies into their thrash-infested death metal. Demonic Art doesn't try anything new,...

Latest News

Well, its almost the beginning of the year which means we will be hearing a lot of rumors about this summer's festivals. This summer...