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Best of 2015

Well its that time of year again, loyal readers. As you race to find gifts for relatives who mostly annoy the shit out of...


Black Metal is difficult for many people to enjoy, especially those individuals not accustomed to metal. Those who appreciate black metal, though, will find...


Clutch does jams with other bands? I don't believe you.

Latest News

Y'know, ex-Judas Priest and ex-Iced Earth frontman Tim Owens.


From The Jersey Devil to Batsquatch, we explore the possibly real life monsters that could be out there.


Disma frontman Craig Pillard has many ties to Nazism.


If you don’t know, on August 20, 1890, Howard Phillips Lovecraft was born in the quintessential Yankee city of Providence, Rhode Island. A reclusive...

Music Videos

Everybody breaks out of prison thanks to Slayer! Here is the video they've been teasing with horror star cameos. MetalSucks notes the video was...


It’s been happening slowly and stealthily over the course of the last decade or so. Insidious and incremental and bit-by-bit. It’s been so gradual...


As a member of Rhapsody, Luca Turilli, along with keyboardist Alex Staropoli and vocalist Fabio Lione helped push power metal to heights of epicness...


With recent releases via Killer Be Killed & Cavalera Conspiracy, the consistent frontman Max Cavalera has undeniably proven to be prolific. Yet, with another...


When you hear Fear Factory, you know it’s Fear Factory, when you hear subpar Fear Factory, you know it’s subpar Fear Factory. What might...


Olympia, Washington's NWOBHM-inspired Christian Mistress is preparing to release its third album in five years, and, to whet the appetite of headbangers, Relapse Records, the...


Everyone has their favorite High on Fire album, and it's not because the band are constantly throwing polarizing curve balls. The Oakland sludge trio...

Upcoming Releases

Well, here's one of the best progressive metal releases this year. Get stoked.

Latest News

We still think he's collaborating with Testament guitarist Alex Skolnick and Megadeth bassist Dave Ellefson.

Weekly Injection

Tomorrow in Manatee Appreciation Day! Today is exciting because of new releases from prog sadsacks, a bunch of quirky metal, brutal shenanigans and more,...


A look back at an uprising that captured the spirit of the heavy metal community a decade ago.