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Matching Tags: sick of stupidity


“I wanted to try and play along this time around, and not mess things up like I did with March Madness,” Holtby, 22, said....


The last minute or so is just... stupid heavy.


Also, he's mad at the media for asking him about it.


All words and photos by Nathaniel C. Shannon I made my way to Philadelphia for the weekend to take part in a group music...

Song Premiere

Curezum, the worlds only black metal themed The Cure cover band (And supergroup) is back, this time with a cover of A Forest debuting...


When you first hit play, it might be easy to immediately coin Holy Serpent as another retro heavy metal band… but you'd be wrong...


He hates being sober, but he also hates being drunk.


Borland: "Idiocracy is no longer a movie. And P.S. — you can blow the 'stick to music' 'stick to playing guitar' comments out of...


Over the years, songwriters, wanting to prove the mastery of their art, have tried to add a whole new meaning to their songs by...

Metal Science

Phone condoms, keeping my eyes safe from your stupid videos.


Metal has grown up quite a bit in the last few years, and while much of the imagery has remained the same, even if...

Injection Reflection

Another week in the bank, here's what you may have missed… Nick Menza's Family To MEGADETH's Dave Mustaine – Thanks But No Thanks About...

Latest News

Parkway Drive, Beartooth, and Asking Alexandria also took home some awards.


NTW is a plenty worthy release. It's just going to make you wish that there was more.


The label claims the band is rushing a new album before "Ivan does something stupid -- dies -- goes away to jail."

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Rowe doesn't know who Hetfield is, then mistakes him for Lars Ulrich.

It's Just Business

The new Nails album was done in January.

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New Revocation is going to be really fast, apparently.