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"Black Medium Current is an important album that speaks to the fact that we are eternally traveling homeward 'in defeat' to Dødheimsgard."


"I finally figured out what all that Jesus fuss is about."

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Their new album Living Proof drops this spring on Epitaph Records.

Underground Roundup

Featuring Industrial Puke, Allfather, Gabestok, Kostnatění, Lunar Chamber, and more!

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We wish everyone involved in the incident all the best.


"A symphony of harsh negativity and violence. That's it. That's the review."

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Henry Kohen of the band Mylets has issued a lengthy statement.

Around the Interwebs

Watch Ally the Piper rip through "Hallowed Be Thy Name"


"No longer a flowing flurry of snow, Lamp of Murmuur now has the effect of a crushing ice storm."