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Specifically the Notes for Notes organization.

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It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with a song premiere from Lifes titled "Unsedated Suffocation".

Music Videos

Swedish quintet Three Dead Fingers are all between the ages of 13 and 14 but their musical maturity is at least double that age....

The Obituarist

Hello mutants!  Trevor from The Black Dahlia Murder here taking a well-needed break from slaving over lyrics for the impending 9th TBDM album to...

New Music

"Mass production and pharmaceutical lobbying have caused overdose deaths and use among youth to reach epidemic levels."


He's not mad, just think of his children, okay?

Kids In Metal

Ellefson and Thal jammed with the kids, talked to them about the music business and even let them play their instruments.


In all honesty, it's a little surprising there wasn't much of a notable industrial metal revival in recent years. In the past decade, the...

Twenty Nine-Scene

The year 2019 is now Twenty Nine-Scene. Join Two Minutes to Late Night co-creator Drew Kaufman as he looks at back at the seminal albums that...

Upcoming Releases

This would be The Ghost Inside's first new music since their 2014 record Dear Youth.


The Los Angeles trio returns with their most ominous, brooding, and diverse effort yet---and consequently their best.


If it isn't clear by now for all, the nature of the music industry is that of a dynamic entity where trends and technology...

Latest News

Good on The Ghost Inside for really making an effort to come back.


Welcome to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years past. For...


The year 2019 looks to be a huge one for heavy metal and the anticipation is building. Bands like Tool, Slipknot, Megadeth, Korn, Youth...


Spoiler Alert: Because weed, that's why.

Best of 2018

Metal Injection's stoner doom aficionado breaks down his favorite albums of 2018!


We visit a tale of revenge told with complex characterization and harrowing imagery the likes of which H. R. Geiger and M. C. Escher would...


An interesting solution to a unique problem.

New Music

They don't derive too far from the original, but why mess with a classic?