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200,000 acres and 6,000 homes were ravaged during the fires.

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They said it'd be back in 2018 and they were right!

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"We never thought we were a political band, but we can no longer take this sitting down."

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The concert ended after about twenty minutes.


"This is a peaceful protest. It is not disrespecting the troops, no matter how much you try to twist it that way."

New Music

Zao continues to roll out the killer new material.

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"It's just not worth the risk. I hope anyone who needed to did the same."


Its first with Brain Drill/ex-Arkaik drummer Alex Bent.

Song Premiere

The new, Finnish death doom project features members of Trees of Eternity, Swallow the Sun, and Amorphis.


Hetfield was okay.

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to Boris Melvin, who had the best zinger: "I used to have a mohawk, you SHMOHAWK!" Now...

Live Footage

For the fifth year in a row, Metallica took to the field at AT&T Park to perform "The Star-Spangled Banner" before a San Francisco...


Abbath Down! Abbath Down!

Gear Gods

66Samus of Decrepit Birth has taught us a lot over the years, from the importance of fart metal to how to sample every single...

New Music

FFO: Older Dimmu Borgir, blackened technical death metal.