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Search results for "Stupid"

Matching Tags: sick of stupidity

Tour Dates

This is not a drill: Slayer, Lamb of God and Behemoth will be touring together.

Music Videos

It's just ridiculous. How do they keep up that pace?


For "I Didn’t Want To Join Your Stupid Cult Anyway."

Tour Dates

Some great news for Eyehategod fans. After a successful liver transplant, Mike IX Williams is returning to front Eyehategod. The band will be performing...

Latest News

"...I got exited from the band. And I don't know why. I don't understand what the deal was."

br00tal Comedy

The idea of this video is to compile a bunch of James Hetfield's laughs to the tune of Metallica's recent single "Atlas, Rise!" might...


“Context doesn’t matter to these SJW’s — social justice warriors.”


He will slap that shit right out of your hand.

Latest News

"Since I write the set list, reminder: Don’t put 'One' on tomorrow’s set list."

Dank Slams

The word 'Bilateral' describes anything with two sides, like some of the organs in the body: the brain, heart and lungs all have two...


From the mind of Cattle Decapitation frontman Travis Ryan, comes the best grindcore band of the year.


It's been two years since the unfortunate overdose of Static X singer Wayne Static. Today, we look back at five music videos featuring the...


Is Animals As Leaders huge in Australia or something?

Latest News

Electric Wizard built its own studio, and the new stuff is definitely coming along.

Dank Slams

Is there a rule book when it comes to slammin brutality? Does there exist one modus operandi that dictates the why and how of...

Shocking Revelations

"All we did was smoke cigarettes, drink coffee and record these stupid fucking side projects."