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Search results for "METALLICA"


Metallica played their two anniversary shows on December 17 and 19 at the Chase Center in San Francisco, CA. Metal Injection photographer Rodrigo Fredes...


Half the setlist was stuff they haven't played in about a decade.

Live Footage

"Trapped Under Ice" also finally made a comeback.

Latest News

After the successful debut release based on Metallica’s Kill ‘em All, Colombian painter Felipe Mora’s DEALING OUT THE AGONY 2 has returned for another...

Live Footage

Not tread on at Welcome To Rockville.

New Music

Morello's new album The Atlas Underground Flood is out now.

Metal In The Mainstream

Metallica brought heavy metal back into the mainstream last night, staging a performance around the big Triad Combat PPV event on Triller Fight Club....

Injection Reflection

Only a few more days until Thanksgiving, which means a few more days until PIE! PIE! PIE! Here's what you missed this week… Watch:...

Live Footage

Robert Trujillo was there for some reason.