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NIGHTS LIKE THESE is in the process of completing the writing process for their next album. 8 new songs are expected on the release....


The Famine, featuring ex-Embodiment members, have signed with Solid State Records. They will record their debut album this summer, with a release hanging around...

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Billboard.com reports: A proposed summer amphitheater tour by a reunited VAN HALEN that was derailed when guitarist Eddie Van Halen checked into rehab now...


DAWN OF DEMISE has signed a record deal with Deepsend Records. The label will release their debut album, titled “Hate Takes Its Form” in...

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Finnish metal band KALMAH are scheduled to enter the studio in October to record their 5th full-length album. KULT OF AZAZEL have stated that...

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SLAYER have posted the cover art for their upcoming CD/DVD for Christ Illusion, which you can view here. The new album with have a...

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The World Series of Video Games (WSVG), Presented by Intel, has announced that MÖTLEY CRÜE's VINCE NEIL leads the pack of special guest judges...


ZONARIA has posted a medley of their upcoming album, “Infamy and the Breed” at their MySpace page. The album will be released September 4th...

Tour Dates

Here are the current dates for the SLEEPYTIME GORILLA MUSEUM tour: August 2 – Petaluma CA @ The Phoenix Theater w/ Stolen Babies August...

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BIRDS OF PREY recently entered Sniper Studio in Moyock, NC to record their second full-length album, "Sulfur and Semen". The band teamed up with...

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NEVERMORE singer Warrel Dane recently stated that his upcoming solo release with ex-SOILWORK guitarist Peter Witchers, and former HIMSA guitarist Matt Wicklund have approximately...


The song comes from their forthcoming album “Neuthrone”, due out July 31st in North American via Candleight Records. The Official Crionics Website The Official...

Video Games

Here is the last batch of Guitar Hero Encore Rocks the 80s setlist, which includes 30 songs, and, as expected, Activision has more often...

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HIGH ON FIRE have provided Guitar World magazine’s MetalKult.com with exclusive video footage of the band in the studio working on and talking about...


Every once in a while, an album comes along that gives you goose bumps. 'Ashes of the Wake,' 'Spiritual Black Dimensions,"Annihilation of the Wicked'-...


FULL BLOWN CHAOS has posted the song “Halos for Heroes” at their MySpace page. The song comes from their upcoming album, “Heavy Lies The...

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THROUGHT THE EYES OF THE DEAD will be filming a video for the song “Failure In The Flesh”. The video will be directed by...


MADBALL have made the title track to their upcoming album, “Infiltrate The System”, available at their MySpace page. The album is due to be...

Ask Me...I'm Right

That stud machine of a man is me, Greg Weeks, and I'm the bassist of the Red Chord. Want to ask me about my...

Latest News

In a June 18th press release, Norwegian black-metallers MAYHEM announced that they were cancelling upcoming tour dates because of an injury their drummer, Hellhammer,...


NODES OF RANVIER have posted the song “Waljean” at their MySpace page. The song comes from their forthcoming album titled, “Defined By Struggle”, due...

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Florida metallers THE ABSENCE have posted a new track on their Myspace Page entiled "Dead and Gone". The song will be featured on the...


DEVILDRIVER have an e-card here for their upcoming album “The Last Kind Words” due July 31st via Roadrunner Records. STILL REMAINS have made an...