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Metal In The Mainstream

These guys are excited for the Galaxy S5.


So edgy!

Latest News

Venom's classic turned into an industrial house track.

RIP a Livecast

There was a lot to catch up on for this edition of the Livecast. After a one week hiatus, Rob, Noa, 3D and Sid...


The last thing we will be writing about Inquisition being white supremacists.

Injection Reflection

It's been a crazy week and we decided to avoid including any stories about nazis in our top 10 this week: ROB ZOMBIE Covers...


Inquistion frontman Dagon denies his band being a nazis

br00tal Comedy

The original Avril Lavigne song is a total joke, but this cover is quite tolerable. Good job Woods of Trees! [via MetalSucks]


Does this make you more or less likely to listen to Inquisition?

Open Metacast

Regular listeners of the show may notice this episode posting later than normal. That's because the normal posting date was during Pycon and I...

br00tal Comedy

With Easter just around the corner, what better way to celebrate it than the black metal way? Here is a way to stay kvlt...


A profoundly weird display of blackened noise. Weird, off-putting and almost stark in its eschewing of song-structure, any evaluation of Twilight's III: Beneath Trident's...


We are huge fans of the ChuckBB and Rick Spears comic, Black Metal. Last week, the duo released their third book and it's yet...

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to Andrew Weatherby who had the best zinger: "Twisted sister cover band called fisted shitter" Now for...

Guessing Game

Can you figure it out?

Caption Contest

What's your best caption for this photo?

Guessing Game

If you want to know the answer to last time's Guessing Game click here. We're back for another round! The game is simple. Look at...

Black Metal History

Today is the last day of February concluding another kvlt Black Metal History Month.

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to TreyP who had the best zinger: "Hang out with Gaahl they said, it would be fun...

Around the Interwebs

Don't forget to print new business cards with your new name.