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Search results for "Touch"

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The long festival weekend had passed in the blink of an eye, because just as soon as Bastardane had opened the festival, Sunday had...

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Heaviest day of Sonic Temple closes out with KISS last ever performance in Ohio.

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Avenged Sevenfold headlines a varied, and hard rock infused second day


"This is simply a band that has flown under the radar for far too long."

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A long-running tradition of rock-infused festivities reprises its reign over Florida

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Arjen Lucassen's Supersonic Revolution, Botanist, Frozen Soul, The Ocean, Rig of Gyges, and Thulcandra


"Black Royal Spiritism is a fearsome yet magical work of pure art."

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"The songs are fucking heavy. I sound like a little excited kid right now, but they're heavy and they're mean."


"If forced to pick, I's give a slight edge to Volume I, but there's also plenty to like with Dealing with Demons Vol. II."


The most successful heavy albums of all time

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Josey Scott's Saliva is now a thing.

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"This latest situation just proves that it was never the alcohol at all that sets this off and is a much darker mental issues."

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Halloween Is For Always, coming... this October.