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Look, we get it. You need to get your story out there, and any mention of Pantera is a sure way to get things...

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Fresh off performing on a battleship, Brendon Small has a new Twitter tease (twease?) for us. When he began work on Dethalbum III, the...


The most extreme tour of the summer, Summer Slaughter, kicks off this Friday at the House of Blues on the Sunset Strip in Los...

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While we won't hear much on the Randy Blythe case until his bail hearing on Thursday, one Blythe friend and ally is taking action....

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If I make a list of quintessential Roadrunner Records bands, without question, Machine Head would be on that list. The band have been with the...

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Finally, some answers! After the prosecution rejected Lamb of God frontman Randy Blythe's bail earlier this week, many were wondering how much longer Blythe...

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Lamb of God frontman Randy Blythe has been detained in a Czech prison for over two weeks now. He is facing manslaughter charges in connection...

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It's been a few days since we've heard anything on the Randy Blythe detainment in the Czech Republic. The Lamb of God frontman has...


With cover art that looks like Skeletor having 'Nam flashbacks, you might be inclined to assume that Fastkill – relentlessly old school, unapologetically cheesy –...


Geo·dissonance: the metal movement is proliferating to all corners of the globe. In its relentless display of vitriolic truths and the ugliest questions of...

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With all the interviews given last week by Lamb of God manager Larry Mazer, we were under the assumption that Randy Blythe could be...

Injection Reflection

Here are the most viewed stories and videos of the week: New Footage Of Randy Blythe Incident Surfaces Showing Security Assaulting Fan In Question...

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While I absolutely loved seeing Metallica perform two nights in a row at Orion a few weeks ago (you can see our video report here),...

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There has been a lot of information, and seemingly misinformation coming out of this Randy Blythe case in Prague. If you've been without internet...

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We're back at our computers ready to report on all the latest breaking news in this case of Lamb of God frontman Randy Blythe...


When I say practically everybody I know on the east coast was at last night's incredible Death To All / Gorguts show, I am...

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NEW UPDATE Fri Jun 29th 11:40amEST: Lamb of God's publicist releases official statement clarifying the situation Update Fri Jun 29th 1:20pmEST LOG guitarist Willie...

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Not a huge week for metal, but certainly an interesting one. So come in, stay awhile, watch as I contemplate the "Roadrunner Effect" on...

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Just to quickly recap, Giraffe Tongue Orchestra is highly anticipated side-project from Mastodon guitarist Brent Hinds and Dillinger Escape Plan guitarist Ben Weinman. They...


Sometimes metal makes you do some crazy shit. At Ptahil's recent gig in Fort Wayne, Indiana, one of the black metal band's fans decided...


Maryland death metal stalwarts, Dying Fetus; return with their 7th album Reign Supreme which follows their last effort Descent Into Depravity nearly 3 years ago....


Gaza are pissed off. I mean, dangerously pissed off. They’re one of the few bands in the extreme music today that actually lives up...

RIP a Livecast

MAYHEM MONTH continues on the Livecast this week as we have a member of Whitechapel, drummer Ben Harclerode called into the show, and who...