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A few days ago, we posted a story with the headline Dave Mustaine has a Santorum fetish, where we quoted the Megadeth frontman saying...

Black Metal History

BLACK METAL: to some it's the purest embodiment of uncompromising musical nonconformity, while to others it's the meme that keeps on giving (I predict...

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I wasn't able to watch all of the Grammys this year, since I was doing the Livecast for the first half of it, but...


Taking his adage if not necessarily his credo from Emiliano Zapata, Matthew Widener (Cretin, Citizen) launches a new one man project in Liberteer, the flagship...

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Lamb Of God's Resolution charted at number 3 on the Billboard charts this week, with a whopping 52,000 copies sold in the United States...


A few weeks ago, Corey Taylor tweeted that he collaborated on a song with Dave Grohl. We jumped to conclusions and assumed that Grohl...

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NOTE: This promotion ends tonight at 12pm PST, so you better act fast! We know how hard it is to get your name out...


Look at that album cover.  Just look at it.  Unless you're at work, in which case close this browser tab immediately. I'm assuming the...

70,000 Tons of Metal

I can't believe it's almost that time again, time for Frank, Noa and myself to board the 70,000 Tons of Metal cruise. This being...

Bummer Alert

Mark Reale, the founding guitarist for Riot, has died in a San Antonio hospital after suffering from a subarachnoid hemorrhage, which put him in the...

Hell No!

All of us should have heard of it by now: SOPA, the crazy bill American Congress is trying to pass to kill off the...

Injection Reflection

The weekend is finally here, which means Frank, Noa and myself are so close to boarding 70,000 Tons of Metal that I can smell...

Bummer Alert

Well this fucking sucks. Argonauts is undoubtably the next big thing in my eyes. Fuck, it has Dave Witte amongst it's ranks, and it...

Latest News

When we reported last year that King Diamond had to undergo triple bypass heart surgery, things were not looking good for the King. And...

70,000 Tons of Metal

In less than a week's time, I'll be aboard the most metal vessel to ever navigate the seas. I am so excited for the...


When our photographer Aline Miladinovich had the opportunity to spend a few weeks bunking on Mayhem's tour bus, this past Fall, she could not...

Injection Reflection

Another week has passed, which means we are one week closer from the 70,000 Tons of Metal cruise. I absolutely can't wait to get...

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Of all the bands to do a performance on TV, the last one I would think that would be asked to do so are...


"Multiple industry sources" told Billboard that Black Sabbath was originally scheduled to be one of the headliners at this year's awesome Coachella festival, but,...


After a millions years of waiting,Van Halen have released their first single with David Lee Roth on vocals since he left the band at...

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Remember back in October how excited you were at the rumors that Metallica was working on a 3D concert film with Journey To The...

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I can't believe the 70,000 Tons of Metal cruise is only like two weeks away. In the last few weeks, a few awesome bands...


OMG YOU GAIZ! Earlier this week, Machine Head guitarist Phil Demmel announced he is engaged to Bleeding Through keyboardist, and crush of 14 year...