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Search results for "light"

Full Album Stream

The duo is back at it again and the results are crushing. Stream it now!


The Body & Full of Hell return for another out of this world collaboration in Ascending a Mountain Of Heavy Light


Jamey Jasta, Dee Snider, and Howard Jones are bringing it!


Rocky Horror Picture Show soundtrack, the I Want My MTV book, and more!

Around the Interwebs

Is this a good idea? I'm leaning towards no.

Gear Gods

It's been a few years since we've heard from Youtuber SlayerBob, who made his name making intricate Christmas light shows to the tune of...

Live Footage

Support Max Volume Silence Live on Patreon! Video by Frank Huang.

Latest News

"Right now, as we speak, I have an engineer in my studio putting all of this back together and we're trying to make this...


FFO: Isis, Failure, Deftones...

Music Videos

Buried Above Ground exploded onto the Minneapolis, MN scene with their energetic performances and their pummeling breakdowns. Today, we are premiering the director's cut...


Slipknot wasn't the only band on the second stage of Ozzfest 1999. A Puerto Rican band mixed metal and Latin music, a rockstar's son...

Music Videos

Featuring Periphery's Spencer Sotelo!


FFO: Fugazi, Thrice, Slint...


Uniquely expansive and demented this is the sort of noise meets metal hybrid that will keep you up at night.