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"I'm gonna be very positive and I hope in the near future that things will change."

Metal Science

At least you could mosh in this thing, right?

Music Videos

also featuring covers of L7, Mudhoney, Sonic Youth, and The Jesus Lizard.

Gojira are being so giving. They have been holding on to this footage of their performance at the excellent Red Rocks Live venue in...

New Music

Metal is nothing if not constantly pushing boundaries, merging genres and defining new ones. And that is exactly what Mora Prokaza does with their...

New Music

Based out of SĂ£o Paulo in Brazil, Goat Necropsy is a deathgrind duo consisting of Vic Ferreira (vocals) and W. Johann (guitar, bass) who...


Cattle Decap's video is feautred and the hosts are… thrilled.

Two Minutes To Late Night's Bedroom Covers series continues today with an eerie cover of an Ozzy Osbourne classic. They've reworked "Crazy Train" as if...

Full Album Stream

Crushing high-tempo blasts, strange melodies, and huge riffs.

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include symphonic metal legends, a guitar legend, the legendary Witch Taint, and more! To the metals...

Cinema Fix

We love our metal here at Metal Injection… but we dig movies too! Welcome to Cinema Fix, a movie guide tailored for the metal...

It's Just Business

"We are temporarily prioritizing household staples, medical supplies, and other high-demand products."

New Music

Or "New Technocracy" if you're not fluent in Finnish.

Latest News

With the government-imposed lockdowns in the United States, we're going to sadly be seeing a lot of stories like this. Due to the lockdown...

Music Videos

Danny Kiranos, aka Amigo The Devil, has been nothing short of a road warrior since the release of his amazing album, Everything Is Fine....