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Ufomammut, the Italian experimenters of space and sound, have returned with their second album of the year: Oro – “Opus Alter”. This album follows on...

Latest News

Metal is supposed bring people together, not tear them apart. Meet Wade Page. Page is an Army vet and he plays in a band....

Decibel's Clips of the Month

Every month, Decibel scribe Shane Mehling reviews the four videos that appear in the mag under “Decibel’s Clips of the Month at Metal Injection.” This month, watch...


"This is a special moment. Do NOT fucking touch me. I will knock you the FUCK out." We all knew Fred Durst was a...

Injection Reflection

We're about to start a three day weekend… which means we're taking Monday off. But that DOESN'T mean that we're taking Sunday off. There...


Cattle Decapitation like to give mixed signals: on the one hand, there are the songs beloved by animal rights activists that decry factory farm...

Upcoming Releases

The metal gods have spoken, and the cosmic wheel of new releases ever turns. Last week we got by on the strength of no-names...

Black Metal History

As a part of Black Metal History Month, we will be looking back at some essential black metal albums that any fan should be...

Best of 2011

Fuck long-winded reviews. This isn't the place for it. This is a best-of list. Especially with the chaotic violence you'll find below, you'd probably...

Tour Dates

Over the weekend, Gaza confirmed they will be entering Godcity Studios in Salem, MA with the incomparable Kurt Ballou. This is exciting. An early...


Greetings, loyal listeners. We bring you a very special edition of Mainstream Resistance podcast, MSRcast for short this week. Joining us for an in...

Latest News

This is a big victory for the world of print. Arch Enemy have given metal magazines Metal Hammer Germany (out now) and Close Up...


The weather is really nice in NYC today and here I am collecting new tunes for you guys to blast. So check these out...

Black Metal History

by James Zalucky So it seems that, since most of my Metal Injection colleagues were off on vacation last weekend (some in Hawaii, some...

RIP a Livecast

This week on the Livecast, we began the show talking about all the broads Sean boned. The talk quickly shifts to Rob meeting some...

Attention, Stoners:

Welcome to Revelations of Doom, Metal Injection's portal into the seedy underworld of extreme metal. Your tour guide is, as always, Grim Kim, and...

Tour Dates

New England Metal & Hardcore Festival 2010 Commercial Holy crap! Metalfest is less than two weeks away. I haven't even recovered from the madness...

Tour Dates

We have the exclusive first look at the complete lineup for this year's New England Metal and Hardcore Festival. The show happens April 23rd...

Tour Dates

So one of the biggest Swedish death metal bands in the world, some storied thrash metal pioneer, a widely acclaimed technical metal band and...

Ask Me...I'm Right

When Greg Weeks isn't blowing people's minds with his band, The Red Chord, the dude takes some time to answer some of life's important...

Tour Dates

Metal Injection is teaming up with our e-bros Metalsucks to bring you a tour featuring some of the best young bands in metal today,...


If you've been visiting our site the last 2 weeks, you've seen that we've been adding a shit-load of inteviews and clips (18 to...

Latest News

Returning to Worcester's Palladium, New England Metal and Hardcore fest will once again melt your ear drums to waxy lava lamps this April 16...