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Tour Dates

Tomb Mold will make their triumphant return to the stage on June 10 at The Baby G in Toronto, ON. Tomb Mold will play...


Looking all the way back to when they were just Kids...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Arjen Lucassen's Supersonic Revolution, Botanist, Frozen Soul, The Ocean, Rig of Gyges, and Thulcandra


Featuring Blessings, Fredag Den 13:e, Child, Myteri, and more!

Tour Dates

Aftershock Festival is coming back between October 5 and 8 at the Discovery Park in Sacramento, CA. You can check out the full lineup...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from The Abbey, Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs, Hellripper, and Siege Of Power.

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

The music behind the music of Gimme Metal, played through the halls from the desk of Director of Programming, Brian Turner Street Tombs –...


"Homicidal Ecstasy should stand as an example for aspiring caveman slammers – you can bring the ultra-brutal goofery while writing memorable songs."


"Some of the album was a nice attempt, but didn't really work the way we wanted it."

Tour Dates

Looks like the Avenged Sevenfold album is ready to go?


"Don't blink and you'll catch on to the shifts, but will be impressed with how Brutus are able to make all those moving parts...