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Search results for "BEST"

Song Premiere

If you're in the market for a brand new chaotic mathcore band that is equal parts ferocity and equations, then look no further than...

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Kerrang! recently published their "definitive, objective, indisputable list of the best heavy metal band from every U.S. state." It is certainly a bold and adventurous move...


Metallica wins California and Pantera win Texas but are the rest obvious?

Attention, Stoners:

A band called Green Druid smokes weed? Are you SURE?!

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Target is making a decision by either April or May.

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They beat out August Burns Red, Code Orange, Meshuggah, and Body Count.


You'll never believe Ihsahn's answer!

br00tal Comedy

Looks like SlayerBob has some competition. For years, Bob has been producing pretty awesome Christmas light shows, but his place atop the Christmas lightshow...

Best of 2017

Celebrating The Franklin Godla III Awards For Radicalness In Heavy Metal

Best of 2017

Hey there Tech-fiends, it's that time of the week again. I thought I'd do a year-end feature similar to how I ended my 2016...


Have a very metal Christmas with these ten heavy stocking stuffers.

Best of 2017

The Democracy of Metal... voting!

Latest News

Full-time Metallica collector of cool and rare stuff.

Dank Slams

We'd like to think that us geriatric fuqs over here at ye olde stanky dank tank are pretty hip. We attempt to keep up...

Tour Dates

This past June, while visiting metal friends in Stockholm for a proper Swedish midsummer, I was told about a brand new rock band from...

Injection Reflection

It's the Autumn equinox, which means summer is officially over. Meanwhile, it's going to be 85 degrees this weekend in New York and I'm...

Around the Interwebs

We love you, Devy. Never change!

Latest News

You may remember when UK based magazine, Metal Hammer, polled critics and musicians about the 100 best metal songs ever written. Naturally, the results...