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Psycho Las Vegas was the metal festival of a lifetime. You need to start planning to go next year.

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to Demented Daniel who had the best zinger: "Objects in mirror are closer to deth than they...

Dank Slams

Buried deep within the extraterrestrial soil of Acheron (LV-426) lies a relic of epic and utterly brutal proportions. The beacon that originally drew the...

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to Rosin who had the best zinger: "The other two Horsemen didn't make it over the Wall."...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes the second-coming of a modern favorite, some Nu Metal revival shenanigans, general spookiness, and more! To the metals...

Latest News

Tombs is now a part of Metal Blade, too!

Upcoming Releases

Joey Belladonna says he's hitting the studio soon. Hmm...

Upcoming Releases

So Slayer's future is clearly, unclearly clear at this point. Got it?

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to G I N S who had the best zinger: "If you're 555, then I'm 66" Now...


Hitting up 2014's Mayhem Fest with an increasingly widespread single called "Coconut Dracula," Islander somehow 'made it.' I don't exactly have a positive affinity...


Adam Biggs and Brody Uttley talk the talk on technical death metal and their next album...

The Obituarist

Hey there freaks and geeks, Trevor Strnad AKA The Obituarist reporting live from the road on the current TBDM summer tour with some sick...


Life is just not letting up for the Ozzman as former Ozzy Osbourne bassist Bob Daisley is suing the singer over unpaid royalties from...


Prepare for maximum shred and maximum chorus catchiness!

Full Album Stream

San Francisco's Zed are back with some of their most exciting and passionate music to date!

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to Dylan who had the best zinger: "Who the fuck left a Lego on the floor?!" Now...

Dank Slams

The Great White North. A vast land where beavers, moose, and man gather over a breakfast of peameal bacon and maple syrup slathered pancakes....