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Around the Interwebs

This post is not going to debate the pros and cons of piracy. We'll save that for another time. This is just about a...


We have all been patiently waiting for new material from The Faceless to surface, ever since we saw that live bootleg of them performing...


Nergal got on stage on Friday night, his first public performance since crushing leukemia a few months ago. He jumped on stage with Fields...

Latest News

Well, the Big 4 totally happened. We weren't there, but from all the tweets we saw over the weekend, it looked like it was...

Breakups & Shakeups

You know that discombobulated feeling you get when someone dumps you out of no where? You just stand there fiddling your lips with your...


Hello and welcome to the second edition of Metal Injection's favorite game… Are You Listening With The Wrong Head!? Where we analyze the rise...


So I was at work today, sifting through my usual round of news sites, when I saw this very interesting article in The Atlantic....

Latest News

For the first time in history, the entire "Big 4," Metallica, Slayer, Anthrax and Megadeth are sharing the same bill. The bands have shared...


Between the Buried and Me have been at the forefront of technical metal ever since they busted out their monster full-length Alaska in 2005. They...

Upcoming Releases

Sounds of a Playground Fading, the latest album from legendary Swedish metal act In Flames, will arrive in the US on Tuesday, June 21st....

Bummer Alert

It seems with all this talk about Kurt Cobain today (much like it did 17 years ago), it pretty much over shadowed most other...


In “The Haunter of the Dark,” H. P. Lovecraft describes a man transfixed by a decrepit, abandoned church.  “Desolation and decay hung like a...


We have completed posting all our footage from this year's South By Southwest Festival. The fest ended almost two weeks ago, and I feel...

RIP a Livecast

Put on your fancy pajamas, because it's time to take a look back at the best moments of 2010 with the second annual RIP...

A Female Perspective

If there is ever a band that can turn a man into a jelly of emotions it's Evergrey. Hold on, don't stop reading just...

Tour Dates

I was completely blown away when I saw the Melvins live last summer during Isis' final tour, which is why I am super band...


If you want the best that metalcore has to offer, do yourself a favor and stick with the bands that broke the scene in...

Show Recap

By Nina Saeidi A freezing London night saw the Relentless Garage down the road from the local fetish shop and abortion clinic fill will...


For today's audio roundup, we have a buffet of differently styled metal for your approval. We have something for fans of grind, death, core...

Tour Diary

The Human Abstract is currently on the road with The Atticus Metal tour. Guitarist A.J Minette will be checking in frequently with updates from...

Black Metal History

By Atanamar Sunyata This is the sound of war, insensate misanthropy unleashed, revenge, sorrow, triumph, madness. Weakling is, to me, the apex of American...

RIP a Livecast

Click Here To Watch The Video This Week's Behind The Scenes We were joined this week by our friend Barry. We talked about our...


I wrote of my love for Canadian tech instru-metal five-piece a few years ago, and it seemed the band dropped off the face of...