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Inter Arma have announced a new covers album, Garbers Days Revisited, coming out July 10th on Relapse Records. The title is a play on the Metallica...


As this dreadful virus wages a massive toll on the global economy, on people’s jobs and on so many lives, the music industry is...

Latest News

As more June shows get canceled (you hear that Motley Crue?), you shouldn't be too shocked to hear that Hellfest has decided to cancel...

Back in the Day

Like a lot of radio stations, MTV really didn't know what to do with Nine Inch Nails when the band's sonic wave hit in...

Injection Reflection

It's only been a week? Feels like it's been a month! Here's what you missed this week: Rumor: Is KERRY KING Launching A New...


The Doom series of video games is pretty metal, and the creators know this. They invited Tony Campos of Static-X/Ministry, Black Crown Initiate’s James Dorton, Aborted’s...

Celebrity Metalheads

Hip hop stars love the Municipal Waste logo.

Injection Reflection

Since it was the holidays for the most of the week, our highest trafficked posts were classic posts we shared on social media. Here...

Best of 2019

Hoorah, one more year down the drain and fifty flippin' music releases have been chosen by yours truly! Despite listening to and whittling down...

Shocking Revelations

It basically can't happen.

Tour Dates

Featuring members of Killing Joke and KMFDM.

Injection Reflection

November is here. Thanksgiving is three weeks away. Where does the time go? Here's what you missed this week: Here Are The Setlists for...

New Music

Lindemann, the project that started a solo project of Rammstein vocalist Till Lindemann and eventually morphed into a full-on collaboration with Hypocrisy frontman/producer Peter...


There will be mosh pits in movie theaters for this one!

Latest News

Pretty soon you'll be able to chant SLAYYER  in your local movie theater. To be fair, nothing is stopping you from doing that now,...

Live Footage

SLAYYYYYYYYYEEERRRRRRR!! The band are about to embark on what they are saying are their absolute final dates ever, and their last show ever on...

Celebrity Metalheads

Bad Wolves are having a hell of a run right now. They are set to release their sophmore album, N.A.T.I.O.N., on October 25th. They are...