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Search results for "Wacken"


Find out who you're missing out on featuring Demonic Resurrection, Skyharbor, Undying Inc, Zygnema, Systemhouse33, Inner Sanctum, Albatross, Kryptos, Goddess Gagged, Noiseware, Eccentric Pendulum,...

Scene Report

The following Scene Report was written by guest contributor Darko Živkovic of the Serbian Metal webzine. Scene Report is a new feature where we...

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Plus other live vocalists. This is going to be weird.

br00tal Comedy

Gabriel Guardian is a multi-instrumentalist based out of Texas, and he thought he would show off his skills in an incredible new video, where...


China is a country with 1.3 billion people and it definitely deserves more attention from the world of metal.

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"The hologram thing, to me, it almost isn't letting the dead be dead."

Injection Reflection

It's been a very hot and humid week in NYC, but it's over now. If you're looking for something to do, perhaps our Meshuggah...


There’s a lot more going on this record than what gets actual credit for, especially from the metal underground. There are definite weak spots...


Oh my dear Lord, they have tits!!

Weekly Injection

This edition includes lots of doom actually, like, lots of doom…and other stuff. To the metals…

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Plus one 7"! Just in case the 24 LPs weren't doing it for you.

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Hey, at least there aren't any egos in the band.


Metal festivals have been increasing in frequency and popularity in recent years, with massive ones taking place in every developed country in the world....

Show Recap

Your first heavy metal show is important – it makes an impression on what “a great show” means to you. This could probably be...

Weekly Injection

Who knew that there would be may more good releases not on 9/11. Weird. Anyway, there is almost too much good stuff. Canadian shred...


Seriously. Someone took pictures of you.

Upcoming Releases

If you give Slayer $180 dollars, this is what they'll give you.

Upcoming Releases

A list of all things metal to be released on record store day 2015