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Upcoming Releases

The thing about magazines is, everything needs to be in at least two months before the issue comes out. That includes advertising. Turns out...


Let's kick off May with a massive A/V Roundup shall we? April showers bring May music, and here's all the new music and video...


I can't believe it's already Thursday. The week may be winding down, but it's just the right time to kick out the jams and...


When bands are in the studio, there is always some extra time to a little goofing off, and sometimes the resulting goofage ends up...


A new Meshuggah track AND a new Periphery track in the same day? My, my..it's not even my birthday. The track, "Passenger" isn't new...

Tour Dates

Holy shit, the killer tours just keep on coming. Just announced: Protest The Hero, Periphery, Jeff Loomis and The Safety Fire. Fucking fuck fuck!...

RIP a Livecast

On this edition of the RIP a Livecast, we track down a news reel that traces back the origins of Noa's squirting phenomenon, to...


Periphery are hard at work at their sophomore full-length release, and rather than putting up a veil, and keeping some sort of mystique about...


Periphery have posted another cock-tease studio report, this time with a few seconds of riffage to give you some sort of hint of what...

Upcoming Releases

'Tis the season to record new music. As the weather gets colder, bands are taking a break from the road, which means bands have...

Breakups & Shakeups

In a bit of a shocker, Periphery announced yesterday via their Facebook page that longtime bassist Tom Murphy has quit the band. While the...

Latest News

This is great news for Periphery and guitarist Mark Holcomb. Holcomb, who also plays guitar for Haunted Shores, is now officially the band's third...

Upcoming Releases

Periphery have been pretty busy as of late. They just wrapped up a tour of Australia, have a huge North American headlining tour coming...


It's mid-week and there is a ton of new music out there, so get your ears ready, cause it's time to rock! Let's start...

Breakups & Shakeups

This is a bit of sad news. Periphery have announced they are parting ways with guitarist Alex Bois. The band released a statement on...

Tour Dates

Oh happy day! The Frak The Gods Tour, featuring Periphery, The Human Abstract, Textures  & The Contortionist was announced a few weeks back, but no...

Tour Dates

Woah! This is a monster tour announcement. Periphery announced their first ever North American headlining tour to go down between September 2nd and October...

Heavy Metal Happy Hour

On this edition of Heavy Metal Happy Hour I've enlisted some help from my buddy Jake Bowen of Periphery. He sent over 15 of...


Wow, this week flew by completely. We're still catching up on life in the office after an insane few days at SXSW. In the...

Tour Dates

If tech-nerdery is your thing, this tour is for you. Just announced is a North American tour featuring the fine djentlemen in Periphery, Fair...


Veil of Maya's Marc Okubo and Periphery's Misha Mansoor (not to be confused with Metal Misha) are not only two incredible shredders, but they...


We have just posted a very sexy photo gallery by our snapper Chris of Darkest Hour, Veil of Maya, Periphery and Revocation, over 300...


Periphery surely have a lot of fans who are A/V nerds. It comes with the territory. So it should shock no one that one...