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Latest News

Periphery are on a bit of a break right now as they get ready for Summer Slaughter and guitarist Misha Mansoor decided "hey, why...

Music Videos

This is basically the most fun/weird/awkward video you'll ever see. Directed by Wes Richardson. From the album Periphery II, This Time It's Personal. Buy...

Music Videos

Metal Injection has the exclusive video premiere of the "Icarus Lives" video from Periphery. The track comes from the band's self titled debut record...

Music Videos

The new video from the DC djentlemen produced by Eric Haviv, Richard Webb and Brandon Morris of FUGO Studios

Tour Dates

This is a ridiculous package. A few weeks ago, the Deftones announced another run across North America, but did not announce any openers. Today,...

Latest News

Back in October, Between The Buried and Me and Periphery were touring Europe when their bus caught on fire. Thankfully, everybody was ok. When...

Upcoming Releases

While I appreciated the sophomore Animals As Leaders release, Weightless, it didn't pack the same punch as the original release. The original had such...


Periphery never stop. In between international touring, with busses catching on fire, the band have been working on new music, a mere months after...


In today's A/V Roundup, we have a tease of new music from Scale The Summit, a cool new video from Periphery, a free download...


Much like the rest of the internet, I have caught the wave of PSY fever. His hit, "Gangam Style" hit me like a ton...

Latest News

This is rather scary! Earlier today, shortly after leaving their gig at Southampton, England in the early hours, the bus carrying all the members...

Latest News

Periphery announced on their official facebook page that their drummer Matt Halpern has dislocated his shoulder and will be unable to play the band’s...

Latest News

Periphery just can't stop. They just got off the Summer Slaughter tour and have a few weeks of break time before heading to Europe with...

Bummer Alert

If you are one of the many extreme metal fans in Denver, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco or Anaheim getting ready to hit the Summer Slaughter tour...


It's the kickoff to the work week, and I'm still hung over from my weekend adventures. Here are some new jams:  First up, check...


Sophomore slump has plagued countless bands, regardless of the genre. It’s always difficult to follow up an album that could have taken any number...

Latest News

Periphery haven't officially announced a new bassist since their former bassist Tom Murphy left a few months ago. Their good friend Nolly Getgood has been...


Finally!! You know the deal, Periphery II: This Time It's Personal, the sophomore release from the epic masters of djent comes out next Tuesday,...


Periphery's second new track from their upcoming release, Periphery II: This Time It's Personal, premiered last night on SiriusXM Liquid Metal, that satellite radio...


Good ole Amazon, always helping out with album previews. You can now hear 30 second samples of each track off Periphery's new album, Periphery...


It's here! Your first full taste of what's in store from Periphery's sophmore album, Periphery II. You can stream "Make Total Destroy" above. I'm...


Here it is, the first teaser or Periphery's sophomore release, Periphery II, which is set for release on July 3rd. We get a whopping...

Upcoming Releases

Yesterday, we showed you the ad for the new Periphery album that has surfaced in the latest issue of Revolver Magazine, which states their highly...