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Injection Reflection

One week down, 51 to go. Here's what you missed this week. Beavis And Butt-Head Are Coming Back And They're All Grown Up Ex-COAL CHAMBER...

Best of 2021

Norwegian black metal, or “norsk svartmetall,” is the ultimate reason for existence. Every time a new black metal single drops from Norway, “suddenly life...

Shocking Revelations

Buckley is taking a break for his mental health.


"This gears Live in North America more towards completionists and those who are really, really going to miss Mullen."

Latest News

When you first hear someone say that they want to take piano lessons, the next question is, what kind of piano do you want?...


Could we hear a full new Slipknot song this weekend?

Tech-Death Tuesday

Hey there, tech fiends. It's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if...

Tour Dates

The rescheduled version of their State Of Unrest tour.

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No further information is available on what's happening.

New Music

New Jersey's premier progressive rock/jazz fusion act, Thank You Scientist, are returning with a new EP, a new tour, and a new record label.

Music Videos

Off their recent album Væ Victis.

Latest News

Dream Theater was slated to hit the road with Arch Echo this October in support of their new album A View From The Top...

Metal Merch

They need to afford curly fries.

Latest News

"We hope everyone understands and to see you sooner than later."


“Of all the things I lost I miss my mind the most.” Ozzy Osbourne is a true “Master of [un]Reality.” If you think Ozzy’s...