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Search results for "floyd"

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System of A Down frontman Serj Tankian is no stranger to political takes. Tankian chimed in on the international conversation happening right now around...


Guns N Roses are making their feelings very clear. While Axl Rose has been getting quite political lately, even getting into a Twitter spat...


While Corey Taylor has said he is staying off social media for his sanity, he did feel that he needed to speak up in...


"No longer is it geographical either; it doesn’t just pertain to one city. This is a national fucking problem, and it needs to be...

Latest News

"Sometimes it's floating almost, like Pink Floyd. But it is very dark, very melodic, very mesmerizing and hypnotic."

Record Sales

April saw a little bit of improvement for the bands on this list, but it was still a rough month all around. Of the...

Upcoming Releases

With the ongoing quarantine canceling all shows for the foreseeable future, bands are starting to find other ways to be creative, liking writing new...

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include prog sad boys, shelter at home circle pits, difficult to Google bands, and more! To the metals...


When it comes to the empowering and loud AF new vinyl/CD compilation Women of Doom, nearly every aspect of its existence was helped along...


You may not be well acquainted with Edinburgh, Scotland's King Witch, with their powerhouse vocalist Laura Donnelly and bandmates Jamie Gilchrist, Rory Lee and...

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include melodic guitar flurries, experimental weirdness, and more! To the metals...

Record Sales

March may go down in history as the worst month ever, and this Spotify list was not immune to the hellacious storm that was...


What do you expect from a band called Dirt Woman? Probably not this. Five songs, three of them thirteen-plus minutes, and a colossal sound...


Metempsychosis accomplishes all it sets out to in terms of transmitting the complex arcs and affections of its subject matter.

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Refused, INfectious Grooves, DevilDriver, Entombed, Fight, and way more.

Shocking Revelations

Ihsahn – not a big fan of people who polish their music to perfection.

Record Sales

Sometimes I wonder if this list is getting too long, but then I remember you can never have too much metal! Welcome to this...

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Ozzy Osbourne has been busy on a PR tour to support his new album, Ordinary Man. He's been doing a ton of interviews – getting...