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Best of 2013

It's been a crazy year for metal, but rather than the usual break-up drama, this year was filled with arrests, drug busts and some...

Fuck Yes!

Last week photos of Scott Ian of Anthrax and Dethklok's Brendon Small began to circulate the interwebz prompting the question "What Are ANTHRAX Guitarist Scott...

RIP a Livecast

We were joined by The Jaded Punk, Dan Ozzi, on this episode. We talked a lot about our first porn experiences, albums of the...

Injection Reflection

How is this week over already? I was just recovering from Thanksgiving and BOOM! another week has passed? Time flies when there is metal...

The best of all the Radio Disney covers by Andy Rehfeldt. Previously, Andy has done Radio Disney covers of Deicide, Slipknot and Cannibal Corpse, Behemoth...

Injection Reflection

This was a HUGE week for metal news, spotlighted by the awesome new video from Lamb of God and finally hearing the first taste...


There’s only a few more days ‘til Halloween, and, for many metalheads, this is the time of year when custom horror movie marathons are...

Shocking Revelations

How huge of a band is Metallica? People might not go see a movie about 'em, but everybody knows 'em. Even pop megastar sensation...


In the time before time, there was a major record label that was considered the endgame for any metal band. Long before budget cutbacks,...


After crushing it on Mayhem Fest this summer, Machine Head are in the studio working on a new album. Of course, we know the...

Upcoming Releases

Each week when I write THE WEEKLY INJECTION, I find readers bitching about me not covering more "underground" bands. Mind you, I don't do...


We've been talking about Scar the Martyr, the supergroup with drummer Joey Jordison from Slipknot and guitarist Jed Simon from Strapping Young Lad among...


Metal musicians don't just listen to metal. We asked what non-metal musician would they like to perform with. Watch more ASK THE ARTIST here! Featuring...


If you're a big fan of Devin Townsend poop jokes and teasers of an album that we've all been absolutely dying to hear (that...


It's back to school time and we asked members of Slipknot/Stone Sour, Children of Bodom, Born of Osiris, Job For A Cowboy, Airbourne, Butcher Babies,...


Alright seriously, the last Scar the Martyr single was pretty damn good, which gave me some hope. "My Retribution" is on that same level.

Upcoming Releases

In true two-year-album-cycle fashion, Whitechapel have posted the above picture that they're once again in the studio! We even have some teasers for you!


2013 seems to be the year for side projects to rear their ugly heads. While some have been uglier than others like the Temple...

Upcoming Releases

The hype for Sepultura's next album has died down a bit in the last few weeks, I'm assuming since the band is done recording, but...

Drummer Joey Jordison (Slipknot) and vocalist Henry Derek sit down with Rob to discuss their new band and album, Scar The Martyr. Joey talks...


Scar The Martyr, the group featuring Slipknot‘s Joey Jordison on drums, ex-Strapping Young Lad Jed Simon on guitar, and ex-Darkest Hour Kris Norris on guitar, have begun streaming their...


Sworn In bring the groove. And we've got the exclusive stream of their new record The Death Card!