Looking to get noticed? Put away that press kit. Throw out that EPK. The new way to get signed is by holding a label owner hostage until he signs you. That's what The Hell did with Prosthetic Records co-owner E.J. Johantgen, and it looks like it worked:
While these dudes have a terrible sense of SEO (search engine optimization) – I mean, it's not easy to just type in "The Hell" and expect to get the band as your first result, they sure have a great sense of humor. For example, check out this swanky shirt design:
Of course, that's a parody of an iconic Joy Division shirt design.
But I know what you're thinking… what do they sound like? Well, they certainly bring the mosh. They sound like a fun hardcore band to see live:
Plenty of mosh in there! The band will release their Prosthetic debut in July.