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OZZY Says 2019 Has Been "One Of The Most Fucked-Up Years" Of His Life

This is coming from Ozzy, by the way.

Photo by Ross Halfin

Ozzy was all set to hit the road for his farewell tour this year, right up until he suffered from both a bad bout of pneumonia and then re-awakened some old (and serious) injuries during a bad fall. The Prince of Darkness has since recovered at home and has rescheduled some of the dates for 2020 (including North America), but is still floored at how terrible this year has been. In fact, Ozzy tells Billy Morrison in an interview with Sirus XM that 2019 has been one of the worst years of his life.

"It's been one of the most fucked-up years of my life. I broke my neck in January, I had pneumonia, I've had fucking blood clots… It's been an eventful year, to say the least. I have been in such pain this year.

"I was doing that farewell tour, and it was going great. I was singing better than I've sang [in a long time], and I was really happy. I went home for a short break and I got two staph infections in two of my fingers. God knows how that happened. That cleared up. Then I did the New Year's Eve show at the Forum here in Los Angeles. That was the last gig I did, 'cause the following February, I went for a bathroom break in the night and lost my footing. I hit the deck like a fucking ton of bricks."

Ozzy also details the fall a little more.

"I don't know if you remember, a few years back, I had a quad bike accident. I'd done some damage there, but they just patched me up. For the last 10 years, I've been getting electric shocks down my arm. So when I fell down just after New Year's Eve, I was lying there and I said, 'Well, you've fucking done it.' So then I said to Sharon [Ozzy's wife]… She goes, 'What are you doing?' It was two o'clock in the morning. I said, 'I think I broke my neck.' She goes, Oh, go and get back in bed.' I said, 'No. Call an ambulance.' So that was it."

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