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ARSIS Announce New Drummer, Release New Crushing Demo

You can never know what's going on with Arsis. Heck, main man James Malone sorta quit the band a few months ago, when he opted not to hit the road with the band, but things are all fine and peachy for Malone now, who is writing new material. Things weren't peachy for drummer Mike Van Dyne, who quit the band last week. Fear not, Arsis fans. The band have found a suitable replacement, one of their touring drummers… Shawn Priest.

If all of this is too much for you, don't stress too hard. All you need to know is that Arsis is working on new material. Even though bassist Nick Cordle is splitting his time between Arsis and Arch Enemy now, I have no doubt that this album will absolutely destroy. The band have even uploaded a demo to wet people's appetites:

There is no current release date for new music, but it's safe to say we'll hear new Arsis before year's end.

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