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Metal In The Mainstream

JACK & OZZY OSBOURNE Have A New Show Coming To The History Channel

Ozzy re-tells history!

Ozzy re-tells history!

Ozzy Osbourne and his clan are credited as starting the whole wave of celebrity reality programming, with their legendary show The Osbournes in the early 2000s. Now, he and his son Jack are coming back to TV, with a new concept on… The History Channel of all places?!

Save your "well Ozzy is a fossil" jokes, according to the Prince of Darkness it will be a humorous take on history. Ozzy told Billboard:

Jack and I are doing a thing for the History Channel, like a father and son spoof on history. We went to Stonehenge and met a guy who thinks he's the fucking reincarnation of King Arthur. And we went to Bletchley Park to see the machine [Alan Turing] used to break the [German] kind. We're going to Mount Rushmore, to the abandoned silos where America used to have their Minutemen missiles and all that. It's educational for me, actually — history with an Osbourne slant.

So it almost seems like a different take on the Comedy Central show Drunk History, except Ozzy is the drunk? Regardless, I'm curious enough about the concept to check it out. Will you be watching?

Ozzy is certainly keeping busy, working on a new solo album and preparing for Black Sabbath's final tour.

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