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5 Horror Movies with Very Metal Cameos

There’s only a few more days ‘til Halloween, and, for many metalheads, this is the time of year when custom horror movie marathons are assembled.  Everybody watches the classics like Halloween, A Nightmare on Elm Street, or Friday the 13th, but it doesn’t hurt to throw in a few obscure movies, too.  Don’t be surprised, though, if one of your favorite metal stars makes a guest appearance for a scene or two, just like these surreal cameos. 

Ozzy Plays a Preacher

Trick or Treat is a 1986 heavy metal horror movie that most people don’t remember.  The trouble starts in this movie when a teenaged metal head plays his favorite band's record backwards to see if there are any secret messages.  Instead of finding subliminal messages about worshiping the devil, an actual sinister evil force is summoned by a hidden spell (Naturally!).  He spends the rest of the movie being tormented by the ghost of the band's previously deceased singer.

Ozzy makes an appearance in this film as a televangelist who is a guest on a cable talk show.  It’s pretty unusual for Ozzy to have an actual role, especially because he normally just shows up in movies to be the butt of a joke like in Little Nicky or Goldmember.   It’s also rather surreal, as Ozzy’s preacher character rails against the “evil” music lyrics that rock bands are using to pollute the minds of the impressionable young people.   Considering that that's exactly what the righteous and pompous were saying about Ozzy at the time, this was pretty ironic and sort of surreal.

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