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Search results for "ape"

Tour Dates

Plus Vio-Lence, Windhand, Coven, Blood Incantation, Devil Master, and a TON more.

Tour Dates

With Enterprise Earth, Une Misère, Great American Ghost, and Sentinels.

Tour Dates

Tool has seen the covers and they're big fans.

Tour Dates

The Callous Daoboys, Wristmeetrazor, Gideon, and more!

Tour Dates

Red Fang, Helmet, and Hyro The Hero also dropped off.

Tour Dates

Volbeat and Atreyu have also been added.

Tour Dates

To become the most infamous death metal band in history, you really need to turn some heads. Cannibal Corpse has been that band since...

Tour Dates

Sebastian Bach has been teasing a 30th-anniversary tour for the legendary Skid Row album Slave to the Grind for quite a while now, and...

Tour Dates

Butcher Babies' debut album Goliath came out eight years ago (where does the time go?) and the band is celebrating by playing the full...

Tour Dates

One of the most unique acts to come out of the metal scene in a long time, the avant-garde act Imperial Triumphant have announced...

Tour Dates

Bands itching to get back on the road is the understatement of the year, and there's no better example than Sabaton who just released...