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Tour Dates

So if Decibel's latest cover story isn't enough to get your grindcore hard-on all rattled up [pun not intended], BRUTAL MOTHER FUCKING TRUTH have...

Tour Dates

Above you will find a clip of METALLICA playing "Blackened" at SXSW this weekend. That was the last U.S. show the band is playing...

Go See This Fucking Band

Prepare for the imminent destruction of the cities listed below. That's right, after spending the past few stateside runs opening for LAMB OF GOD,...

Tour Dates

Coming off a mind-crushingly awesome new album and spots on the Metal Masters, Priest Feast and CHILDREN OF BODOM/THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER tours, TESTAMENT...

Tour Dates

Oh god no. After treating US metalheads to one of the best tour packages of 2008 and following up by taking TESTAMENT and MEGADETH...

Go See This Fucking Band

OMFG! This is a tour not to miss. Two bands on the cusp of being really huge, really pushing the boundaries of just how...

Tour Dates

When we announced the killer upcoming MASTODON tour with INTRONAUT and KYLESA, contributer Ryan Beuge pointed out in the comments of that post that...

Tour Dates

Did someone tell the dudes in MASTODON that they couldn't pull in a crowd unless they brought a few similarly sick bands along with...

Tour Dates

British guitar heroes DRAGONFORCE are coming back to the U.S. for a month long tour. As a way of saying thanks to the fans...

Tour Dates

It can't be easy to open for one of the most notorious live bands in the world and to put up with their bloodthirsty...

Tour Dates

Right on the heels of Time Waits for No Slave, their umpteenth offering of face-melting grindcore, England's extreme metal pioneers NAPALM DEATH are marauding...

Tour Dates

In a tour that's sure to set up some mosh wars between metalheads and hardcore kids, SWORN ENEMY, PRO-PAIN and MANTIC RITUAL have announced...

Tour Dates

AMON AMARTH have announced a second leg of the North American Twilight Of The Thunder God Tour which will run the states in April/May....

Tour Dates

Metal Injection is extremely honored to annouce that we are sponsoring BLACKENEDFEST, the 2009 return to the U.S. by black metal legends MAYHEM. Along...

Tour Dates

It's unlikely many metal fans know it, but I want to go on record and say that the small independent Translation Loss Records label...

Tour Dates

As if the just-announced Metal Up Your Ass fest weren't enough to make our week, CARCASS is keeping SUICIDE SILENCE, SAMAEL, ARSIS and PSYCROPTIC...

Tour Dates

In the kind of tour that some prog-metal kids would sacrifice their signed JOHN PETRUCCI guitar pics for, OPETH and ENSLAVED are spending May...

Tour Dates

Click Here to enter to win tickets for this tour! Wow. Kevin Lynam and the organizers of Mayhem Fest have completely out-done last year's...

Tour Dates

Right on the heels of their cream-inducing tour with MESHUGGAH and CYNIC (for which we are giving away tickets to each stop), THE FACELESS...

Latest News

As previously reported on Metal Injection, Deicide are touring with Vital Remains next month, and have released several more dates of the monthlong jaunt....

Tour Dates

Following up on an announcement from last November, DESPISED ICON, BENEATH THE MASSACRE, NEURAXIS and THE PLASMARIFLE are coming down from the Great White...

Tour Dates

For once, a series has made it to the seventh installment without sucking. Maryland Death Fest has announced this year's daily lineups, with over...

Tour Dates

As we reported a few weeks ago, LAMB OF GOD is heading out on a headlining tour to support their upcoming release Wrath and...