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Tour Dates

Time to put on your high tops and whip out those boogie boards, the party animals in MUNICIPAL WASTE are heading back on the...

Tour Dates

METAL Injection is proud to be one of the co-sponsors of the upcoming BARONESS tour. We cannot stop listing to the Blue Album here...

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Signifying either a return to form or just how much his music has taken backseat to his directing career, ROB ZOMBIE's newest opus is...

Tour Dates

MEGADETH Headcrusher Video I've been listening to MEGADETH's new CD Endgame and it's pretty fucking killer. The best 'deth CD in quite a while....

Tour Dates

File under "things that make you go 'hmmm.'" Other than the fact that they're both heavy, HATEBREED and CANNIBAL CORPSE might be this year's...

Quick Bits

TRIVIUM are spending the Fall on the road! They previously announced a September/October tour with WHITECHAPEL, DARKEST HOUR and DIRGE WITHIN and are now...

Tour Dates

MARDUK are coming! For real this time. They have their visas and everything. We are proud to be sponsoring this killer tour which will...

Tour Dates

Move over Heathenfest, you have some competition this Fall/Winter. Just announced is a new tour featuring ENSIFERUM (above) along with HYPOCRISY, EX DEO, BLACKGUARD...

Tour Dates

If this was a movie advertisement, it would read "From the people that brought you Paganfest, comes the folksiest event of the Fall." That's...

Tour Dates

When GWAR and JOB FOR A COWBOY are not on the road with LAMB OF GOD, they will be taking THE RED CHORD with...

Tour Dates

The Metal Injection sponsored PLANET CARAVAN Festival has announced the schedule for the two-day-stoner-rock-wet-dream. We have the full schedule after the jump. You can...

Tour Dates

Woah! This is a big one. Metal Injection is sponsoring a huge tour with a handful of monster acts, the War Propaganda World Tour...

Quick Bits

Our favorite metalcore act AUGUST BURNS RED are teaming up with THE ACACIA STRAIN and IMPENDING DOOM for a full US tour this fall....

Tour Dates

What unites two huge crossover metal bands, brings along two of the best underground metal bands in the world and is almost as exciting...

Tour Dates

TRIVIUM Down From The Sky Official Video The metal militia known as TRIVIUM have announce a Fall headlining tour, their first since 2006. They...

Tour Dates

Woah woah woah! Talk about monster tour. Three of my favorite bands in this new wave of metal bands, BORN OF OSIRIS, ALL SHALL...

Go See This Fucking Band

Well, this is awesome! GOJIRA of course is booked to do a bunch of dates on METALLICA's upcoming Fall tour. Being the rock gods...

Tour Dates

WOW, WOW, WOW! CLUTCH, PENTEGRAM, ORANGE GOBLIN, KYLESA, BURST & YOB all in one weekend. No, you aren't hallucinating after too many gravity bong...

Tour Dates

For a band that plays at the speed of death, these dudes sure have been hitting the road pretty fast and furiously lately (at...

Tour Dates

Damn, METALLICA sure knows how to pick opening acts lately. Gone are the days when such rock radio mainstays as GODSMACK and LIMP BIZKIT...

Tour Dates

IN FLAMES are thanking US metalheads for years of support by taking some of the best bands in the world on the road with...

Quick Bits

The stoner tour of the year is coming to your town very soon. DOWN and THE MELVINS, two iconic bands are touring together for...

Tour Dates

Above is an interview we conducted with Alexi and Janne of CHILDREN OF BODOM right before Alexi injured his arm and had to leave...