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Search results for "best"


"These re-recordings highlight the immense strength of the source material, which deserves wider appeal and recognition."


In terms of pure, outstanding black metal in the 2nd-wave tradition, Gorgoroth has produced some of the finest albums ever made. Though there is...


By now you've certainly heard your fair share about Metallica's 3D movie, Through The Never. The one lingering question seems to be "is it...


With cover art that looks like Skeletor having 'Nam flashbacks, you might be inclined to assume that Fastkill – relentlessly old school, unapologetically cheesy –...


Varg Vikernes is a controversial figure. The man who went to prison for infamously murdering his Mayhem bandmate, Euronymous, was released this year and...


Well, I've been back for about a day now and of all the places I definitely miss Amsterdam the most. Yes, the weed is...


Just a reminder for everyone reading these, the reviews I am posting are for the best in general, not in any particular order. In...


If you are a "deathcore" fan and you haven't heard of DESPISED ICON you have been living under a fucking rock. If there was...


A week late and a show short, but I come forth with a list of 2007's best albums. That is, in my humble opinion....


"Rotting Christ might actually be at their very best right now. This is a tough LP to top."


"Overwhelming, yet calming, Botanist continues to find new ways of bringing their sound into new territories."


"Mind Burns Alive is sure to evoke something new and delightfully pensive out of the listener."


"Overall, it's a solid record with a lot to really love."


"Honestly, the biggest flaw of Phantoma is a gripe that could be made about a lot of power metal: too much of it sounds...


"Give Vanden Plas a shot if you're looking for some accessible metal that will be sure to satisfy your melodic tooth."


Well, I hope you weren't looking for someone pretending to be objective here. My Dying Bride is my favorite doom band of all time...


"The Shape of Fluidity is an outstanding glimpse into van Dorst's individual (but universally resonant) triumphs and tribulations."


"Ingested is unafraid to explore different caves of sound and engage with different melodies, crafting a sound that never sacrifices intensity with ten brand...


"Their work with Dis Fig shows their innate ability to create beauty from ugliness, and how easily they can transcend metal and plant their...


"With minimal (but not too minimal) production values, and a clear DIY vibe, Coffin Storm is exactly what you think it should be."


"After all, you really can't have too much good blackened death metal in your life."


"Udåd legitimizes the existence of lo-fi black metal even after the genre at large has evolved so much."


"The point is the steel marches on, and you can't stop it."