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Search results for "approach"


Of all the different elements across the metal genre, vocals are easily the most divisive. An avid power metal listener certainly won't always be...


You all know – or should know – Clandestine. Here it is played live in celebration of its 25th birthday.


Cold Black River are laying out the stoner riffs - but they often seem to be lacking direction.


Gold & Grey marks the closing of a thematic journey for Baroness.


Reach for the Sky is only the band’s second full-length of their 20+ year history, but we're pleased to announce it's quite good.


Sweet goddamn Lord Dying has made an astronomical leap forward in the four years since Poisoned Altars!


Although my musical tastes nowadays lean on the progressive metalcore and deathcore side of the spectrum, it was the alternative rock and metal groups...


Whether or not you belong to the camp that believes a clean room is an absolute prerequisite for monumental undertakings, such as the reorganization...


It’s quite difficult approaching a review and critique of a new Dream Theater album. This is a band that has so much respect and...


Finish metal band Children of Bodom's Hexed is their 10th studio album and their first in roughly four years following 2015’s I Worship Chaos. Having...


The British metalcore chart invaders notch up another win...


In all honesty, it's a little surprising there wasn't much of a notable industrial metal revival in recent years. In the past decade, the...


Diverse sounding melodic black metal from a Maryland unit who can't help but to grow!


Der Rote Milan: bold, fresh and ferocious. This German black metal band is unafraid to try new things and take their sound (and the...


Face melting party thrash? YES! Growing up and getting a little more serious? ALSO YES!


Nowadays, I'm honestly not sure where I stand with Born of Osiris. Over a decade ago, they released The New Reign EP, which I...


The incredible forward thinking approach of In The Woods... has taken yet another impressive step. What's a man to do but fall deeper in...


Toska may well be the future of progressive metal...


While to some the djent scene feels still like a blooming subgenre, there have been many developments and offshoots born from the musical style's...


Fronted by the world's most metal politician, Taiwanese genre-benders Chthonic return to the fray after five long years...


It is a solid reflection of the growth and evolution of the group over the past few years.


Post Metal, doom and apocalyptic realities all come together on the monumental new effort from the long dormant A Storm Of Light.