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We had it coming. We've had it coming for years. The question was simply a matter of when deliverance would grace us. Finally, it's...


Discussing whether or not music rings trve, kvlt or hipster seems to dominate conversations within the circles of metal dorkdom, and absolutely no one...


Starting off as a fairly prolific crust/sludge quartet from the Pacific Northwest, Trap Them began getting a little leaner in their output as they gained popularity,...


Canada has a knack for producing strange metal. The country has birthed avant-garde proggers uneXpect, thrash weirdos Voivod and the mad genius Devin Townsend. Most would connect Norway...


The monsters are on their way. They're approaching now. You'll soon know them by the way they scream. You'll know them by way of...


Among their peers in the vast New York hardcore scene, Sworn Enemy always had that extra bit of heaviness to their sound. When you...


Pagan metal is one of those terms that has become increasingly polarizing to adherents of heavy metal culture. A once revered corner of the...


I think the metal world has a negative stereotype when it comes to youth in metal. We usually see kids who own a Metallica...


One of the most disappointing omissions from this year's Summer Slaughter lineup is Vancouver's oft-slept on Archspire. Having released a profile-raising sophomore album last month...


There are those who say that lumping bands into genres and sub-categories is a pointless exercise. Nevertheless, us journalists, in our efforts to proclaim...


Prong was difficult to consider a powerhouse of metal although their two decade history might prove otherwise.


American audiences may not be too familiar with criminally under-appreciated German speed institution Holy Moses, a band unique for two main reasons: having formed...


Death metal, as a genre, hasn’t made too many leaps since its birth into the field. But like the old saying goes, “if it...


Austrian three-piece Dornenreich have existed since 1996, releasing seven studio albums while dazzling us with their neo-folk infused take on black metal and chamber...


There are few bands as divisive, as utterly polarizing, as Cradle of Filth. Bashing them was second nature from the mid to late nineties...


Nux Vomica, Portland-by-way-of-Baltimore's ever evolving crust outfit, is back with their third full length album. The self-titled effort is their first release on Relapse...


Symphonic metal is one of the most artistic subgenres of metal. I feel like there’s a certain way it needs to be done in...


The theocracy in Saudi Arabia recently gave its penal code a revamping, ostensibly to bring the kingdom’s policies in line with those of Western...


Last year we celebrated the Collaboration/Supergroup and I was well aware that a few rather interesting ones were on their way. Still on the way,...


Aborted. Only a death metal group could get away with a band name like that, especially for almost twenty years. Death metal has made...


Heavy metal by its very nature is transgressive. The genre embraces the darkness of human nature in a way that no other musical style...


So far, 2014 has been a banner year for great power metal releases. Sonata Arctica and Iron Savior recovered from multi-album slumps to release some of...


Everywhere you look, bands are looking to recapture that classic heavy metal sound. While many look to the originators of heavy in Ozzy-era Black...