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Search results for "Inis"


Aversio Humanitatis are a black metal band operating on the cutting edge of the genre. Rather than embracing the artsy beauty of their peers,...


Good luck avoiding a quarantine mosh when this album hits. Años En Infierno upholds Xibalba’s standard of destructive death metal, melancholic doom metal and...


Several years ago, I discovered Binary Code through the release of their Moonsblood album. After reviewing and serving up high praise for that record,...


Hard to believe its been 15 years since August Burns Red released Thrill Seeker. Once the young frontrunners of metalcore, they’ve matured into one...


Often, I'm reminded of Profanatica's first interview,  a grainy VHS dispatch immortalized on the internet. The cult trio huddle around two candles, their faces smudged...


Even if the vocals don't bother you, Subterranean Exile is almost objectively underwhelming from a songwriting and composition standpoint.


Considering what’s going on in the world at the moment, a more suitable title for this, Ulcerate’s sixth album, might have been ‘Stare into...


Back in 2017, Savage Sinusoid was without a doubt a landmark album, surprising the metal community and boasting the next level of experimental heavy...


North Dakota death-obsessed whippersnappers pay homage to old-school art form.


Anyone with an ear to the European heavy underground knows the name Lowrider. The hype language for the Swedish quartet’s years-in-the-making sophomore album Refractions...


It’s surprising that jazz and metal haven’t come together more often. Both genres are rejected by the mainstream, value outside-the-box thinking and are generally...


Kindred isn’t quite as inviting as All Tree, but it's precisely because of its enhanced challenge and atypical direction that it’s so gratifying and...


Even within progressive metal, bands sometimes stagnate. It seems like a paradox; the very definition of “progressive” implies forward-thinking and ever-changing. And yet, even...


Is it black metal or is it "gutter sniping, lo-fi punk of a desperately unbalanced and astringent order"?


In the long lineage of art inspired by one of the most important characters in literary history, Faustian Pact are something completely new entirely....


Hostis Humani Generis is masterful expedition whose fusion of jokey cheer and earnest craftsmanship becomes stronger with each listen.


Kirra has certainly been a band to be paying attention to over the past few years. On the back of their debut Run Away,...


The Cincinnatti doomers stun on their full length debut!


Hailing from the “wheat-and-rust landscape” of the Cuyahoga River in Ohio, neofolk duo Osi and the Jupiter have accomplished a lot since starting in...


An Embarrassment of Riches is a towering achievement not only for The Night Watch, but for the instrumental progressive metal subgenre as a whole.


Pitfalls extends beyond most music to educate, empathize, and entertain in equal measure.


Cloak revel in the dark. Metal explores the nightside of human existence from many angles. Some mournful, some angry, some unstable. All of it...


Consider the best traits of heavy metal from the late seventies and early eighties. Righteous riffs. Arena-sized party anthems. Triumphant lyrics with sing-along choruses....