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Search results for "Inis"


"No matter what era of Ministry you might be a fan of, there's really something for everyone here."


"While my overall feelings towards this album are lukewarm, there are also several pieces on here that could be fun additions to their live...


Ministry's 14th studio LP, AmeriKKKant, packs a whole lot of political commentary, along with a whole lot of industrial metal


Remember the Story isn't that flashy of a comeback vehicle, granted, but it does represent a compelling consistency that hasn't always been the hallmark of...


This crossover delight is an incredible start to the new year. Iron Reagan successfully boosts moral, along with the speed in the pit.


Black Metal is better when its weird and immersive.


The landscape of metal fifteen years ago looks completely different than what we hear being made today… people were still hoping Limp Bizkit was...


By Ben Apatoff The leading force in spacey, ambient art-metal recently announced their demise, leaving their influence to an overwhelming number of subpar imitators...


"This album isn't one for genre purists, but lovers of pure expression created by people with a deep understanding of multiple types of music."


Well, I hope you weren't looking for someone pretending to be objective here. My Dying Bride is my favorite doom band of all time...


"Ingested is unafraid to explore different caves of sound and engage with different melodies, crafting a sound that never sacrifices intensity with ten brand...


"With minimal (but not too minimal) production values, and a clear DIY vibe, Coffin Storm is exactly what you think it should be."


"While Karkosa's style isn't new, they put an excellent spin on it and have created a genuinely thrilling listen on Esoterrorcult."


"Fall proves that Borknagar is a band that, even 12 albums in, can still deliver fresh material enrobed in their signature sound."


"The Mandrake Project was easily worth the 10-year gestation period and the 20-year wait since Tyranny Of Souls."


"With She Reaches Out To She Reaches Out To She, Wolfe continues her reign as perhaps the most disquietly serene singer/songwriter around."


"I think Lucifer V stands tall as one of the best hard rock or classic metal albums of the last 15 years."


"If you're a fan of this style and can dedicate your full attention to it, Lightless is guaranteed to deliver a transformative experience."


"From Dark Discoveries to Heartless Portraits is at once a marvelous offering and a missed opportunity."


"We don't know how the Children of Bodom team kept up their high level of intensity during such a long set, but they have...


"Inspiratio Profanus is fun, refreshing, and energetic."


"As far as I'm concerned, Villfarelse not only proves one of the best albums of the year, but it has the weight and qualities...


"However familiar The Fear of Fear may be, there’s no question that it finds Spiritbox operating at the top of their game."