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Search results for "orchestra"


Lowlands is a mostly enjoyable instrumental venture that consistently skates the line between spirited and gloomy ruin.


To start, let's examine the timeline of progressive metal. The journey started in the 80's with acts like Queensryche, Fates Warning, and Dream Theater, who...


Ocean Machine: Live at the Ancient Roman Theatre Plovdiv is perhaps the quintessential Devin Townsend concert release, not necessarily because of its music but...

At The Movies

Bloodlines: The Art and Life of Vincent Castiglia, is a morbid, fascinating, and remarkably inspiring new documentary about one of the most acclaimed artists...


Taken on its own, Queen of Time is excellent, but when considered in context as the thirteenth studio effort of a band that’s been...


At The Gates newest album, To Drink From The Night Itself, is an outstanding achievement of art


Never has a form of music united (and divided) people such as black metal. Never has a form of music tapped into the deepest,...


Ámr is easily one of Ihsahn’s most focused, dynamic, and overall impressive sequences to date.


Panopticon's newest album is an easy contender for album of the year. Prepare for a magnificent journey in the double album experience that is,...


Agrimonia has been pushing their brand of outside art form further away from the center of the circle pit for a decade and, on...


Orchestral death doom isn't something we get to hear a lot of these days. Fortunately Rise Of Avernus do the subgenre justice!


Oblivion release an excellent blend of death metal in their new record, The Path Towards...


If a heavy metal album could carry a listener into the very crucible of calamity, it is 1755


Of Erthe and Axen: Act II may not be quite as engrossing and diverse as Act I, but it comes extremely close due to...


Winds of Plague are back with Blood Of My Enemy!


Psychotic Symphony is by no means a bad album; it’s just an unforgivably ineffective and tedious one because of how ordinary it is.


Embrace the chaos and hell that is The Kennedy Veil's Imperium


We can likely all agree that Samael will never be the same band that released the genre-defining Worship Him over a quarter century ago....


FFO: The Dillinger Escape Plan, Code Orange, Nails...


Everyone knows Cradle of Filth and everyone knows on a basic level what to expect from new albums. But on their latest album, Cryptoriana...


Featuring members of Animals as Leaders, Demonic Resurrection, Entheos, Gutslit, Reptilian Death, Albatross. FFO: Animals as Leaders, Fallujah, Textures...


Anyone who isn’t previously aware of Epica could easily step into the realm easily with The Solace System


Of Erthe and Axen: Act I does three important things at once: entices for its upcoming resolution, enhances the legacy of its creators, and...