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Search results for "Dance"


The world is going to hell in a gasoline-soaked wicker handbasket. But the dudes in Oozing Wound have got your back with a fucking...


"I, The Mask doesn't shake things up very much or restore In Flames to their 'glory days,' but it certainly sees them perfecting their...


Occupational hazards notwithstanding, The Eighth Mountain is a very strong addition to both Rhapsody of Fire’s canon and the world of symphonic/power metal globally.


The Los Angeles trio returns with their most ominous, brooding, and diverse effort yet---and consequently their best.


Dutch symphonic metal group Within Temptation are on the rise again. They are about to release their seventh studio album Resist, their first since...


In a world consumed by self-images, labels and stereotypes, In;Retrospect is a breath of fresh air. The Wichita, Kansas band’s debut EP A Different...


It is said that variety is the spice of life. Without a change of scenery or pace, everything can seem a bit monotonous and...


Toska may well be the future of progressive metal...


While to some the djent scene feels still like a blooming subgenre, there have been many developments and offshoots born from the musical style's...


Polyphia return to the dark side at last...


On their latest album, The Wake, legendary Canadian progmeisters Voivod show their creativity and innovation is as strong as ever.


“I am going to sing for you. A little off key, perhaps, but I will sing. I will sing while you croak. I will...


Punishing and strange electronic fury, Statiqbloom have outdone themselves on this latest offering!


Thou's three newest EPs flesh the various aspects that encompass their impending full-length album.


Ghost pulls it off, with a few missteps.


When former Witch Mountain vocalist, Uta Plotkin announced her departure from the band back in 2014, the belief was that the Portland veterans were...


One pivotal day in the winter of 1994, four college students from Virginia Commonwealth University decided to form a band. This decision would not...


I'm going to be straight up, right off the bat. This album will absolutely be hitting my top albums of the year list come...


Considering how long it’s been gestating, it’s downright remarkable that Eat the Elephant is so richly surprising, dependable, and multifaceted (in every way possible).


Previous to Black Heaven, Earthless had its niche and was painted into a comfortable corner. This new album sees a heroic breaking of convention’s...


A bit of filler aside, Tengger Cavalry's latest is a wonderfully inventive breath of fresh air. Folk metal enthusiasts will find much to enjoy.


The band’s newest record, Arson, continues the tradition of exuding streaks of heartbreaking feeling. Across the record’s eight songs, there comes a constant flow...