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Search results for "BEAST"


The sound displayed on True Will is exactly what is to be expected on a decent debut album. White Widows Pact excel within their...


Ritual Killer is the kind of beast that makes no bones about what it's here to do. When the songs kick on and the...


This Russia based brutal death mental band is re-issuing The Anomalies Of Artificial Origin, thanks to Unique Leader Records who signed them earlier this...


So, Golgotha. Album number fifteen. Holy crap! They’ve released thirteen albums since I stopped giving a shit? Thirteen! That’s crazy.


To the untrained ear, most of Putridity's music will sound as if a chaotic recording of hell was captured and settled onto a CD.


Of Feather and Bone have glorified their crust/grind/hardcore love in the past and make no effort to move beyond it here.


One of the great aspects of metal is the vast amount of sub genres. Sure, some can get fairly ridiculous, and the labeling seems...


The debut of Mike Semesky's (Raunchy, ex-Haarp Machine, ex-Intervals) new band Rest Among Ruins is everything you could ask for in a melodic progressive...


Simple, raw, straight ahead, and loud. These are just some of the descriptors that come to mind when spinning debut album Death By Burning...


Leviathan’s excellent new album sounds like...death metal! From the crushing low-end riffs, to the guttural vocals and pinch harmonics, this reminds me less of...

Black Metal History

There is no better way to celebrate black metal history month than to pick up a copy of Marduk's new album Frontschwein on February...


Napalm Death finds themselves writing some of the most complex songs they've ever assembled while simultaneously pushing out blasts that melt even the most...


Well this was unexpected. With narry a feint or dodge that they might be going in any other direction, Black Sheep Wall  begin their latest...


Those that grew up in the early 2000s probably already know who The Banner is. The goth/hardcore-punk/metal tyrants bolstered a heavy fixation on horror...


Anaal Nathrakh has forged quite a well-deserved reputation for being unrelenting, uncompromising, and truly brutal purveyors of extreme metal. Here in the latter stages...


If you still can’t understand the flowchart from Beneath the Remains, Arise and Nailbomb’s Point Blank to Soulfly and Killer Be Killed, fine, but...


Blut Aus Nord and its mastermind Vindsval are primarily associated with boundary shifting experimentation within the musical realm of black metal. The ultra-prolific unit...


The greatest comeback album in heavy metal history.


There is power metal that apes and perpetuates those old school tropes, and then there is the brooding, doom-edged metal of Sanctuary. The Year...


In the most basic terms, Ævangelist is a black/death band. The music this duo creates is similar to the racket that Teitanblood belched into...


What makes death metal so good? What formula will prove successful in creating it? These questions are surely asked and answered by Lago when...


Listening to Arizona's Take Over And Destroy is almost as fun as writing about them is challenging. How do you even begin describing a band...


Digital Dream Sequence is a planned attack on your ears, meticulously written to encompass all the violent, destructive natures of metal, but wrapped up...

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