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Search results for "cat"


FFO: Sleep, Isis, Tool...


Wage War's new album, Deadweight, is a great display of the power that metalcore still has today.


Axis Mundi only reinforces Decrepit's Birth importance to – and continual domination of – technical death metal.

Throwback Thursday

Welcome to Throwback Thursday! This is the place we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years past. So...


Venomous Maximus enter the latter half of 2017 as one of the more slept on metal bands in the US right now, even among...


Rex Brown has never up until shown much inclination for being a solo artist. As a longstanding member of Pantera, having appeared on all...


Get ready to take off into the cosmos with Rings of Saturn's latest treat, Ultu Ulla.


Be sure to wrap your scrotum in foil, and prepare for your hair to evacuate as this nuclear beats seeps its self into society.


FFO: Electric Wizard, Melvins, Helms Alee...

Latest News

When the beloved Amebix called it quits after a brief reformation, Rob 'The Baron' Miller resurrected the feeling of his unique work in the...


Viking metal is a dying art form, but Ulfven reinvigorates the genre. Get on it.


From the moist, sweaty walls of underground labs where human experiences always result in catastrophe, for either the experimenters, or human kind, comes this...


Empyrium mastermind Markus Stock has brought his side project back to life in audacious fashion.


Chamber of Horrors is definitely a milestone step up for a doom band on the rise


Devastating Noise-Doom from Philly brought to you by the fine young men in God Root!


Brought to you by members of Ghost, this record hints at the band that could have been.


orward Into The Past may not be quite as immediately edgy or catchy as efforts past, but after it has had time to ruminate...


Howling is a magnificent triumph. If you like dark, heavy music of any kind, you must listen to this album.


It's like The Dillinger Escape Plan in a string quartet.


Hydrograd is an unapologetic collection of singles, no bones about it.


Melvins have always been a band to tread elsewhere than the beaten path. From their uncompromising sojourn on major label Atlantic Records in the...


For those that can bear its unapologetic abrasiveness, Mutation's latest record is a wildly energetic, albeit uneven, listen.


Mutilated and Assimilated is the band's second album since their 2012 reunion, and it improves upon 2013's Omen of Disease not through reinvention but...