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So, Golgotha. Album number fifteen. Holy crap! They’ve released thirteen albums since I stopped giving a shit? Thirteen! That’s crazy.


To the untrained ear, most of Putridity's music will sound as if a chaotic recording of hell was captured and settled onto a CD.


Cruciamentum, meaning torture in Latin, takes a tried and true formula in their approach, but is able to create an original masterpiece in Charnel...


From their beginnings pioneering death/doom (like fellow masters Paradise Lost) to their obsession with gloomy funeral doom, My Dying Bride evokes the air of...


With track record of playing about as fast as they release albums, Tyranny don't have much to answer to in terms of a discography...


The Book of Souls offers a textbook example of how a band's previous album can effectively set fan's expectations for the follow up before...


While ostensibly sounding much like their last few from a production standpoint, Repentless is actually the band's most unapologetically thrash album in years.


Since their debut, Riverside has always carried the 'Porcupine Tree's little brother act' label. Yet, with that main comparison now on hiatus during extensive...


Fortunately for retro-rock aficionados, the guys in Kadavar not only have a firm grasp on the sounds of the 70s, but the song writing...


Bad Magic arrives at a tumultuous time in Motörhead's history. What was meant to be a triumphant return after several years of escalating health...


If you had imagined the marriage of Cryptopsy's None So Vile and Insect Warfare's Gulf Coast Infestation, Pissgrave would be a resulting birth of...


Boston's impossible to pigeon-hole InAeona have a new record that bobs and weaves expectations, hopes, and genres.


It’s been happening slowly and stealthily over the course of the last decade or so. Insidious and incremental and bit-by-bit. It’s been so gradual...


To put it mildly, Deiphago at the best of times, sounds like Blasphemy jamming with Brutal Truth at the confluence of a wind tunnel,...


As a member of Rhapsody, Luca Turilli, along with keyboardist Alex Staropoli and vocalist Fabio Lione helped push power metal to heights of epicness...


With recent releases via Killer Be Killed & Cavalera Conspiracy, the consistent frontman Max Cavalera has undeniably proven to be prolific. Yet, with another...


November 10, 2009, Throwdown released an album called Deathless. October 14th, 2014, Revocation released an album called Deathless, August 7th, 2015, Miss May I...


St. Louis quartet Black Fast have the standard Revocation vibe down as to be expected, but they also bring a surprising dose of Death...


The Anthropocene Extinction, in many ways is not so much a follow-up to a hugely successful album, but more like a continuation. The songwriting...


When you hear Fear Factory, you know it’s Fear Factory, when you hear subpar Fear Factory, you know it’s subpar Fear Factory. What might...


Hellbastard are a band that need little introduction concerning their importance within the genres they play. Though more notable for the coining of the...


Scowl’s plan of attack sees them rocketing along with incendiary volleys of rapid-fire power chord progressions, Brutal Truth inspired screech/growl vocal dualism and blasting...


Coma Ecliptic culminates all that their last decade of writing could grow into, not simply in the story it conveys... musically this is one...