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It would be a bit harder to believe that Opeth have been kicking around the metal scene for a full 25 years now if...


With limited vocals throughout, this eerie and intriguing release has just enough catchy riffs and ambient affects to cast an addicting spell over the...


Graves at Sea is triumphant; sounding like a unit bristling with animated energy and freshness despite having produced a work no one would be...


Like a swollen wave of tar, the sophomore album from Wigan's Boss Keloid will engulf you with its thick, sludgy atmosphere and stay caked...


Wode are one of the most exciting black metal bands to come up in recent year. Their debut is an absolute motherfucker.


This EP comes as a welcome stopgap, proving Tombs are still capable of topping themselves as well as most similar acts toiling in their...


I've said it before and I'll say it again; David Castillo is one of today's most under-rated and significant individuals in the music industry....


It would not surprise me if Michael Keene granted permission for The Zenith Passage to pick up where Planetary Duality left off.


I've always viewed metalcore as one of the genres that suffered from pigeonholing the most. But in recent years, many key groups from the...


Regarding the legacy of the band, I view Deftones as divided into two entities, segmented by the passing of Chi. Adrenaline through Saturday Night...


The Bendal Interlude bring it all together with their latest release. Can you handle the Death & Roll madness?


What can be said with faithful finality is that listening to Moonsorrow is a cinematic experience. Their brand of monolithic and aristocratic blackened pagan...


Church of Misery rely heavily on the strength of their music, which bears a strong familiarity that could be equal parts turn on or...


A) Sludge Metal B) Progressive Metal C) Post-Metal D) All of the above


If you struggle with math, you'll have a hard time adding up the technical nonsense that is Wormed's new album, Krighsu. I guess you'll...


Can a reconfigured Cobalt compete with their earlier works? You bet your ass they can.


Boris & Merzbow have team up - this time to create one of themost challenging records of their respective careers.


The leaders of the new wave of American heavy metal return with their crushing and heart-wrenching seventh album, Incarnate.


Finland's cosmonauts return to stretch black metal to the breaking point and in turn, create one of the best albums of 2016 thus far.


Liturgical Black Metal of True Trinitarian Orthodoxy.


If one were to get quartered as in the mid-evil days, that would be close to half of the brutality distinguished in Virulency's newest...


Atrament have combined Swedish death metal, black metal, English anarcho punk and more in one of the most twisted releases of 2016


Consistency is the order of the day here, which is what makes For All Kings a notable improvement over Worship Music. This feels more...