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There’s a lot more going on this record than what gets actual credit for, especially from the metal underground. There are definite weak spots...


Flashy, grim, demented, tortured and good enough to make a grown man cry, Quinta Essentia are coming for your skull


Part of the draw can be found beneath all the gibberish blast beats and inaudible vocals


This deathgrind supergroup featuring some of modern death metal's best musicians have created a short and sweet homage to the early death metal days...


Command Your Weather bears the most consistent blend of hooks and heaviosity in the Big Business catalog since that first statement of purpose, Head...


Meek is Murder is a downright lethal trio of fantastic musicians, and their latest opus Was makes a strong case for their name to...


Pilgrimage of Loathing should offer a more accessible entry point to the band's catalog than last year's ephemeral Golden Veil, though both remain compelling...


The band draws instant comparisons to their peers in Holy Grail, Skelator, Monument and White Wizard, which also means they like their Jag Panzer,...


Vow Of Thorns perform competently on this latest offering, but it remains a case of 'close but no cigar'.


On their twelfth release, the group fully embraces the notion of distancing themselves from their rivals. Theories of Flight excels at both showcasing their...


The United States Black Metal scene receives an icy, Nordic blast by way of New York's Anicon.


Virginia's Inter Arma have created one of the greatest albums of the decade with their newest effort.


Three records in, Netherlands is likely to be 2016's version of that band that everyone pretends they've been listening to all along, lest they...


Witnessing the evolution of a genre shifting to its next stylistic phase is somewhat entertaining. It's like watching paint dry off a well-crafted piece...


Oh my dear Lord, they have tits!!


Gevurah's full-length debut sets the bar significantly high for Black Metal the rest of the year.


A pilgrimage that is dense, sweeping and chaotic; its darkness engulfing.


If you’re a diehard fan of Devildriver, then you are going to rejoice at their reformation and Trust No One. But if you’re not...


It's debatable whether Electric Warlock is a superior album to its predecessor, Venomous Rat Regeneration Vendor, but frankly after the career nadir of the...


Haken had no need to prove anything on this record. Their past few releases have been nothing less than monumental. I can't confidently claim...


False Highs, True Lows is carnivorous and frothing, teeming with black metal and metallic hardcore influences that leaves almost no room to breathe.


The pressure is on for Fallujah if Dreamless can simultaneously stand up to The Flesh Prevails, while still keeping us interested for the future.