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Search results for "set"


Oceano has now released three separate albums since they formed in 2006. On March 23rd, 2015, their fourth and newest album, Ascendants, will be...


Australia has steadily gained a reputation for mind-blowing metal (Ignivomous being a personal favorite of mine), and Abominator, formed in 1994, is certainly part...


Confounding their critics, Moonspell's albums since Sin/Pecado give the impression that after each album cycle they form their own chrysalis, reemerging when the time...


Aldafǫðr ok munka dróttin was crafted as an ode to the nomadic spirit of the Scandinavian people, whom history has dubbed vikings. As such...


While the background and story of Norway’s Haust may be all over the grill of the internet and supportive print publications, they don’t come...


Setting aside the fact that they were one of the first non-Israeli bands signed from the Middle East, with their foundations in geographic and...


For the past 16 years, Psycroptic has been enthusiastically creating technical death metal from the small island of Tasmania, just off the coast of...


Leviathan’s excellent new album sounds like...death metal! From the crushing low-end riffs, to the guttural vocals and pinch harmonics, this reminds me less of...


Enslaved were one of the earlier Scandinavian bands to begin rigorously unraveling the increasingly staid black metal template. Though they've been at this "controlled...

Black Metal History

With such a massive and varied back catalog, it's hard to anticipate what new Dhampyr music is going to sound like. It could be...


Taken By the Sun hasn't been the most active band when it comes to productivity. After a five song demo EP in 2013 the...


Pelican's discography has gotten increasingly "single"-heavy over the years, so it's not surprising that they've opted to rebound from last year's excellent live album, Artika,...


France’s Death Engine doesn’t sound like Neurosis per se, but there’s a definite artistic aesthetic informed, influenced and inspired by the Oakland post-metal legends....

Black Metal History

There are a lot of purist black metal bands that hide behind the shield of "keeping it trve" to defend rote, uninspired songwriting, but...


There's no taking it easy or leaving time to breathe for a band like Primitive Man. The band has laid down some of the...


Though these reavers hail from the salty plains of Utah, they worship at the alter of Grand Magus and Manilla Road instead of the...


To their credit, Blind Guardian have been content to just lay back in the cut and perfect their craft one album at a time;...

Black Metal History

Black metal is a unique genre. Generally, the creators who make the music are doing it for themselves, which is fine, artist are encouraged...

Black Metal History

ach person has his or her own way of delving into an art form. For me, books and documentaries have a colorizing effect on...


So, there’s a new Sodom EP out, but it really only consists of about six minutes of new material.


This EP is a brief enjoyable showcase of another side of a great musician. If East of the Wall fans have slept on Opul,...


Napalm Death finds themselves writing some of the most complex songs they've ever assembled while simultaneously pushing out blasts that melt even the most...


Well this was unexpected. With narry a feint or dodge that they might be going in any other direction, Black Sheep Wall  begin their latest...